Over nine thousand!!!!!

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Out of the hundreds of "Over 9000" references I've seen, I've only really laughed at about three of them. That's pathetic. At least use a decent meme, like the cats meme. That one's actually worthy.
Over nine thousand? Of what? Points in match?
Over nine thousand!!! *Shot over nine thousand times*
sasuketo uzuchihamaki said:
<super sonic> you'll never guess my age >.-...
<sasuketo> i'ma take a wild guess and say...
<sasuketo> 9
<super sonic> i'm not as old as sb...
<sasuketo> so you're like 12?
<super sonic> .....................................................................................
<sasuketo> kay....
<super sonic> i'm over 9 thouuuuuuuuuuuuusaaaaaaand >.-...

Or something like that.

I overheard a conversasion almost exactly the same as that one.
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