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I hate the excessive anti-aliasing in OpenGL. I used to use Nearest for performance, but now that I have a better card I use Nearest_Linear. It mostly keeps the pixellation but anti-aliases far away objects, which doesn't look too bad at all. I am able to use Bilinear and Trilinear, but I seriously cannot stand them. Especially Trilinear. It makes SRB2 look like mud. MUD I TELLS YA!

And frankly. I'd rather not be playing in mud.
Dark Warrior said:
That's weird, because I rather like Trilinear filtering.
Did I say you have to hate it as much as I do? No. I was merely giving my opinion (although in an slightly obnoxious way).

But seriously, whilst it does make everything look smooth, it makes tiled images look ridiculous, shadows behind sprites look weird, and far-away textures seriously look terrible. Unless they're detailed textures like brick walls for example, which do look somewhat better in Trilinear, although there's a slight grey tint, and the blur still looks bad even far away.

But then again. I haven't always been using OpenGL. Only since I got my new graphics card. I prefer the way OpenGL looks, but I also prefer the pixelation I was used to in Software.
It's a damned shame SSN has every intention of taking the lights out of 1.1. Simply because lights are one of the best features in OpenGL. :|
I'll Begin said:
] and far-away textures seriously look terrible. .

I personally prefer the faraway wall textures to look a little blurred rather than looking grainy. If you're talking about the flats getting blurred far away, though, you can fix that by pumping up Anisotropic filtering.

It's alright, DW. We can all just play ShufflarB2 forever. >_>;
Actually, if he does do that, a new PrettySRB2 will undoubtedly pop up, so his efforts will all be for naught..
I'll Begin said:
I hate the excessive anti-aliasing in OpenGL.

You're confusing your terms. Anti-aliasing has nothing to do with texturing. It's a method smooths out the edges of polygons. It has no relation to texture filtering, except, perhaps, the edges of textures with transparency (only works with certain methods). Now, what you're thinking of is interpolation.

An example of anti-aliasing:

An example done by me that illustrates the difference between interpolation and anti-aliasing in images:
As for OpenGL, we can do better. The interpolation is really annoying, and if anything, we should be able to toggle it on/off (don't know if it's possible). It makes the edges all messsed up looking.
Segmint said:
And you say we're unpleasant to be around? Anyways, yes we will if SSN decides to remove lights.

No lights in OpenGL = 1/3 of the entire reason to use OpenGL is lost (to me, anyway).
Ah. Thanks FoxBlitzz. It's good to know what you're talking about.

Shuffle. What does "Anisotropic" mean?

And Segmint. Go to the 3D Card Settings in SRB2 and mess with the filters until you find something you like, then put "gr_filtermode name of mode" in your Autoexec.cfg, if you have one. For example, "gr_filtermode nearest_linear"
I know that, (oh yeesh, I usually create short versions of peoples names when I start off like this o_O) I'll Begin. I use Trilinear.
Dark Warrior said:
I was rather hoping for in-game palette swap for underwater effects.

And how would that be done for when you're out of the water looking at it?
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