As some of you may know, I can't run OpenGL in fullscreen without losing all of my red colors. But, when reading Shaf's FOV topic, I decided to experement. I ran SRB2 + Opengl. It was windowed. I had a low frame rate, so I set the texture filter to "Nearest". Whil I was there, I also set the mode to fullscreen, just for kicks. Then, I closed SRB2 and ran it again, with the same parameters. It went into fullscreen. Then, it showed the "Sonic Team JR. Presents:". Only, this time, the white was white, not aqua. Horray! Not so. It crashed with a message complaining about how it couldn't load R_Opengl.dll, and how OpenGL couldn't be initialized. I checked to make sure that r_opengl.dll was there. It was, so I treid again: Ran SRB2win.exe -opengl, just like before. This time, it worked. Red, and everything. Only, I lost all data in my gamedata.dat file! No good times, no ??? menu, no ringslinger, no nut'in! Oh, well. Serves me right for cheating. GR_FOV. Ha.
My question is: Why did my reds come back? Did the "Nearest" texture option have anything to do with it? Also, is there SOME WAY to salvage my gamedada.dat file without beating the game to a pulp ALL over again? And, why didn't it load R_OPENGL.dll in the first place?
Oh, yeah: Why does OpenGL have a frightfully low framerate (of about 2 in 320x200) when software has a frightfully high framerate (of 30+ in 640x480)?
My question is: Why did my reds come back? Did the "Nearest" texture option have anything to do with it? Also, is there SOME WAY to salvage my gamedada.dat file without beating the game to a pulp ALL over again? And, why didn't it load R_OPENGL.dll in the first place?
Oh, yeah: Why does OpenGL have a frightfully low framerate (of about 2 in 320x200) when software has a frightfully high framerate (of 30+ in 640x480)?