On Vacation...

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In other news, I'm going someplace too. It's that wondrous place on the Earth that all humans call...


What, you thought I'd be serious?

Anywho, have a nice one, you guys. I'll just be sitting here in nowhere.
Omega the Hedgehog said:
Should I mention again that your dark lord hath returned?

Where the hell have you been? Did you, like, die, and go to heaven, and God said, "What the hell are you doing here", and he sent you back?
Actually, God noted that I was horridly evil [Plus I got him upset when I said that there was a shortage of chairs...] and sent me to Hell, where Satan tried to get me out of because I was actually a bit TOO evil. The two had a big fight over where I should stay so we had an idea:

Play a game. If I win a game of RISK(tm) then I go back to Earth, and get my cool demon powers back. If I lose, I'll be stuck in limbo for another five-million years.

Six continents later I got back to earth. ^_~
Come on, everyone knows that if you are rejected from hell you're sent even lower, where you're strapped to a chair and forced to watch the full tapes and records of the OJ Simpson trial for eternity.
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