06 is my Favorite Game, Fight me
This is a thread about two old SRB2 wad from the final demo era, Both are quite forgotten and are kind of hard to get (for me) but with a little searching around I was able to get my hands on them. So this two Wads are
SRB2 Next-Gen\STH360
One Video
Second Video
Conker's Bad Fur Day
One Video
Both are quite forgotten but I did get my hands on them and I just wanted to bring attention to these, I'm surprised that nobody has ported these to 2.2 yet
SRB2 Next-Gen\STH360
One Video
Second Video
Conker's Bad Fur Day
One Video
Both are quite forgotten but I did get my hands on them and I just wanted to bring attention to these, I'm surprised that nobody has ported these to 2.2 yet