In the tutorial a441 nmade, I can't understand a FREAKIN thing he is saying! Can somebody explain this to me better? Note: he's ing about advanced math stuff, and I'm in 6th grade.
The tutorial said:(Note: It's only a coincidence that the Y coordinate is approximately equal to pi times -100. I do not endorse eating 100 pies, then vomiting them up again. If you don't understand what I am talking about here, then never mind.)
The tutorial also said:There! Great! Now you can go dust your bookcase again. Sure, maybe you did dust it an hour ago, but that !@# dust is falling all the time! When you get back from dusting, read the next section.
I got it from the a441's site, but it doesn't exists anymore, so... Another way available?sonicfan93 said:To help, where do you download gfx.wad? I didn't get it with freedoom.
[/Dilbert]JJames19119 said:Fu fu fu *shot*