After seeing that people are giving effort to create textures for the game in order to finish the game development faster, I thought it would be better to make an organized topic where people could post such things so the actually team could look through and maybe pick out some textures that might work.
Even I decided to pitch in and created a nice sonic-esque brown brick texture. heres my page:
I had to convert mine to jpeg format in order to upload it so it looks a little messy in the middle, but it looks great in bmp- its original format. Oh, I did look at another brick texture in order to get a feel of what a brick texture might look like, but other than that it's my own work.
Even I decided to pitch in and created a nice sonic-esque brown brick texture. heres my page:
I had to convert mine to jpeg format in order to upload it so it looks a little messy in the middle, but it looks great in bmp- its original format. Oh, I did look at another brick texture in order to get a feel of what a brick texture might look like, but other than that it's my own work.