Number Multiplayers

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I have been wondering why there are a lot of multiplayers that are plain numers. When I try to join it gives me an error something about having the wrong .srb file I am not sure what is happening could someone please explain.
What do you mean by "Plain numers"?

Anyways, it's complaining because you don't have the same version of SRB2 as they do.
I believe he means that the server names show up as a random number.

And yes, you don't have the same version. The random numbers only appear in version 1.9.2 because the "random number servers" are using 1.9.34. You can find a download of it in the Announcements section.
Another question. When making a character wad can you separate the jumping, charging spindash, and spindash sprites?
Personally, I don't use the board's search feature; I either get no results or irrelevant ones.

If you can't find it with the search button, you're best off trying to find it by scanning through the whole Editing and Releases sections. That actually works best for me.

EDIT: Whadya know? I found it.
1. The problem is apparently solved, so I guess this would just freely turn into a general help topic.

2. Perhaps. But how would we know what the url is?
No. It's scientifically impossible to guess that. The inner workings of your mind are an enigma to us mere mortals, who walk in your footsteps, hoping to become mere shadows of the real you. =P
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