Nine Totally Awesome New Wii Games Comin'!

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Hay all!

Look at these really cool hardcore games that Data Design Interactive have made. I can't wait for these to come out.

I mean, look at the envoirments in Ninjabread Man! That looks like one beautiful N64 game. Even the name of the game is wicked.

Ninjabread Man FTW!

Anubis II looks so hardcore and adult themed that it will most likely get banned quicker than Manhunt 2!

Action Girlz Racing looks like it might be pretty tense. And it also seems to have a really good selection of playable characters.

I'm giving up Elviz for Super Smash Bros. Brawl!

*turns sarcasm off*

Boy, the Wii has to some really crappy games. Good thing there are better
games to make up for that. This really shows that the people who make
games REALLY have been slacking off with the Wii. I don't care if these are budget games or not. People need to stop making crap PS2 ports and lame party games for the Wii. It gets old. Really old.

Just my 2 cents of a rant.
All the platform games have the same HUD. WTF? These look like really bad indie games. Why the crap are they being published at all?
Wow, those look absolutely horrible. Although, Ninjabread Man piques my interest..
Pretty much all of it looks like some awful shit you'd see on one of those 10-in-one game machine things. I hope to god these are WiiWare games, and not the real 30-50 dollar ones you buy in the store..
I first thought that they where going to be WiiWare games too, but
they happen to have put up some of the boxart up for some of games
already, so I belive these will be $30 retail games. Still, a name like
"Ninjabread Man" deserves more justice than this.
Um, wtf?
Looks like they made two engines; a racing one, and a platformer. They're just changing the models and areas to convince everyone they're COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.
Nah, I don't think those new ones would get anywhere. I'd rather play Pokemon Battle revolution when it comes out than that.
What do you mean when it comes out? It is out.

Unless you're in Europe and it hasn't been released there. <_<

By the way, anyone else reminded of the Burger King games?
I feel really sorry for the kids who would beg to there parents to buy one of these games for there birthday...
Those graphics look like they came out of Glover or Diddy Kong Racing. You'd expect more from a Wii game.

Only Ninjabread Man sounds even slightly interesting out of them all. The racing games look like remakes of remakes, and then cloned five times, but given different graphics. That being said, I expect a 5/10 average out of these games.
NO! they didn't put in super smash bros brawl!

they didn't put in super smash bros brawl?! how dare them! D:< *nukes ign* AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
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