Black Zero
The NG-sonic.wad is very good, kudos to RGXsupersonic for making it
And now.........the complaint
The wad runs fine in 1 player mode but if I load/join a game with the wad the server shuts down(I'm VERY sorry if I shut down any of your servers )
I need help with this
If you need to know I use Linux OS with Ubuntu
(off topic: is there a way to make it so in Linux it tells me which wads i need to join a game like it does in windows.
And now.........the complaint
The wad runs fine in 1 player mode but if I load/join a game with the wad the server shuts down(I'm VERY sorry if I shut down any of your servers )
I need help with this
If you need to know I use Linux OS with Ubuntu
(off topic: is there a way to make it so in Linux it tells me which wads i need to join a game like it does in windows.