Now this is bit of a touchy topic with the 2.2 update, there are tracks that really blow the original ones out of the water, but some are just not as familiar or "suiting" as the old ones, I can put a few examples;
Deep Sea: Literally those 2 tracks could've done just fine if they went mostly untouched, maybe add a bit more presence by adding more synths and samples, maybe even updating the sounds of the instruments but that's it, changing the tempo and chords up really changed the already perfect mood of the original tunes into a somewhat more "happy" ambience which is definetly what I think Deep Sea doesn't hint to. It is a respectable effort but it sadly lacks what the original had in my opinion.
Arid Canyon: Again, the original act 1 tune was just perfect how it was, maybe upgrade stuff up but don't change the tempo and drums, especially the guitar chords! This song was my 2nd favourite over all pre-2.2, but now stands as, I think, my least favourite so far. For Act 2, it's ok since we never really got an official arrangement for act 2, although I think it sounds a bit too laid back? Maybe a bit more action could make it perfect, maybe add a real guitar instead of whatever that main synth is that makes it sound too much like a kazoo? An harmonica? So far anything's better than that synth to be honest. But overall, most of act 2 is nice.
Aerial Garden: Now this one... I mean, the revision doesn't sound too far off from the original one, but I gotta be honest when I say I totally didn't want this track changed at all, the original Aerial Garden track was my favourite out of anything in Srb2 pre-2.2, but this one lacks the tranquil and charming ambience and sound the original had, I like the new added epic synth, but I belive the track should've gone, at max, mostly unchanged.
That was my 2 cents on the new soundtrack for Srb2, there are more pros than cons, but those cons are, like, BIG, atleast for me. This update has been INCREDIBLE and I couldn't be happier to be alive now to play the biggest update yet to a game I've been following since early 2010. Props to Cobalt and everyone who contributed to the soundtrack, there are things to polish and change (hopefully you take my petpeeves as part of the changes hehe) but it's still an admirable improvement!