GLide KS
Sometimes I sprite "things"
Somehow, this happened when I was just checking the MS list in-game and executing the command "exec basicwads.txt".
TXT Content:
We hope you enjoy this game as
much as we did making it!
...wait. =P
Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1.20 (Apr 10 2018 14:46:10 illegal)
Binding to
Network system buffer: 8Kb
Network system buffer set to: 64Kb
Binding to
Network system buffer: 8Kb
Network system buffer set to: 64Kb
Binding to
Network system buffer: 8Kb
Network system buffer set to: 64Kb
$exec basicwads.txt
executing basicwads.txt
ERROR: NetXCmd buffer full, cannot add netcmd 8! (size: 238, needed: 30)
Basic Server Wads added
TXT Content:
addfile utility-v0.3b.lua
addfile shop_VerOverhaul.lua
addfile collide.lua
addfile exitmove.lua
addfile sonic-lach.wad
addfile tails-lach.wad
addfile runsfx+dust+spindust.wad
addfile keepstuff.wad
echo "Basic Server Wads added"
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