Sorry, I didn't understand what you are saying, but I will try to answer the question the best I can.
If you are talking about SRB2.srb being updated, then it will be updated when 2.0.5 comes out. The changes to it are minor, but they fix certain issues that were overlooked during testing. We are unsure when we are going to release 2.0.5, but it will be as soon as we feel that it is ready. The next changes to the IWAD (which means SRB2.srb in this case) will happen when 2.1 comes out. This will include major changes, like new levels and secrets and such. We have no idea when this will come out, but it will be much later then when 2.0.5 comes out.
If you mean releases in custom wads, then I don't know. Look in editing for wads that people are working on for their progress. Any new custom wad will be in the releases sections on these forums as soon as we find time to review them.
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