Lemme explain something. It's a very simple concept. It's called "exponential growth".
The SRB2 community used to be very, very small. Tiny, in fact. We had an EZBoard and Sonikku created an IRC room, #srb2, to set up netgames on the net-enabled Demo 2. This is when I joined the SRB2 community. There were like, 20 people, tops. There wasn't really a "community" as much as "people from SFGHQ that play SRB2".
As time went on, some people left, some people joined. However, because of what I can only assume is positive word of mouth, and greater and greater number of people started to find SRB2. The amount of people coming to SRB2 became a larger and larger number.
The period you talk of, when 1.08 was out, was just the same as the current era with one exception. Scale. It's been 3 years. Let's just do a simple model.
There are three types of users in this community: Creators, Posters, and Lurkers.
Creators create the content. Sonic Team Jr., me, and anyone who makes a WAD, updates the Wiki, or does anything that adds more content to the community falls in this group.
Posters visit the community and respond to it. They are the people you see on the message board replying to topics, and generally giving the forum and IRC room their life.
Lurkers visit the community and only watch. They download SRB2, play it, and do not post on the forums or interact with the community at all.
Now, obviously, there are more lurkers than there are posters, and there are more posters than there are creators. However, all three groups do something simple. They spread information about the game to other people. I'm sure most everyone here has told their friends about SRB2 or even gotten them to play it. Now, remember that a lot of the lurkers are doing that too. If every person simply tells only 2 of their friends, you quickly end up with gigantic exponential growth, especially in the lurkers category, since a vast majority of people who come are lurkers. Our bandwidth counter is a sure sign of that.
Now, look at the people in charge of the place and the creators. That, honestly, hasn't changed in 8-9 years. A few people leave, and a few people replace the people who left. We haven't actually gotten any new CONTENT, despite the gigantic influx of new users.
So, the result is pretty obvious. As time goes by, we get exponentially more people using the same forum resources. The admins get overloaded, and it simply becomes impossible to keep control over the gigantic forum we currently have. I agree that the forums have definitely gone downhill, but it's more a matter of scale than a matter of "the forums have gone to hell".
Back in 1.08, we simply had a lot less PEOPLE. The bad apples were definitely there, but it was a smaller quantity, and henceforth easily managable.
Back in Demo 2, you could count the number of bad apples on one hand.
However, now that I have pointed out the obvious problem, there is a simple statement I give you:
So you think the forums have gone to hell. What are you going to do about it?
If it's simply to complain and rant on the message board, we don't need that kind of garbage here. I see a ton of people agreeing for no reason and basically saying "seconded", "thirded", and other useless things. I don't see any suggestions. I, personally, do not want the forum to go to hell, and am perfectly willing to implement any good ideas of how to deal with our arch-enemy, exponential growth.
Should we add new forums to attempt to spread the gigantic influx of posts to new areas?
Should we institute even stricter rules enforcement to lead to quicker and more efficient bans?
Should we deltree the entire forum directory and get it over with?
Honestly, I've run out of particularly good ideas on how to try and deal with exponential growth, and I'm burned out. Hence, I don't post here much because I honestly don't like dealing with this forum much anymore.
You want a better forum? Come up with a solution. Don't just state the problem. The last thing we need is another person running around saying the sky is falling, thanks.