My Life Today.

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The Life of Tails

1. Wakes up.
2. Make inventions.
3. Goes with Sonic.
4. Accidently follows Sonic in the bathroom. :oops:
5. Talks to Amy.
6. Ends up doing Amy's chores. :mrgreen:
7. Plays his PSP.
8. Losses to final boss on Daxter.
9. Gets pissed and throws the game disc away.
10. Thinks about killing Sonic and convincing SEGA to make him the star.
11. Hires Shadow to kill Sonic.
12. Eats a pizza.
13. Cuses Shadow out cause of his failure.
14. Collects all Chaos Emeralds.
15. Goes Super.
16. Beats the crud outta Sonic.
17. Ready to do the final blow.
18. Sonic says, "Tails look what time it is"
19. Tails flips out and rushes home.
20. Tails was 1 second late and gets yelled at by the Robo-Mom he built.
21. Sleeps.
Wake up, Breakfast, School, Lunch, Computer, Homework, Computer (again), Dinner, Bed.
I go outside sometimes, and I would like to go outside more, but my parents don't allow me to do this.
While until some months ago I was fine staying in front of the computer all the day, now I get so bored of this that I can barely stand it.
That's partly because my classmates are good now that I'm in high school unlike those I had before.
I still like computers very much, but I don't want them to be my life.
Shuffle said:
I woke up, went to school, came home, went to bed.
With Video Games, TV, and Computer mixed in.

Weekends and Days off at my Dad's House

Wake Up.
Go Back to Sleep.
Wake up for real.
Random Crap
Either Wii or Computer

Weekends and Days off at my Mom's House

Same as above but replace Wii with X360.
Shu said:
How to live the life of Shu:
1. Wake up.
2. Go to school
3. Cut up all day.
4. Go home.
5. Do yo home work.
6. Hours and hours of games.
7. 5 seconds of emoism.
8. Junk food and TV.
9. Sleep.
1. Hours and hours of games.

Story of my life, minus the 5 seconds of emoism. Sad, really.
Lets see. School days.

1. Wake up, get out of bed. (8:00AM)
2. Get dressed, and other general-before-school-activites. Such as Washing, cleaning teeth.
3. Walk to school, get there by 9:00AM.
4. Registration at 9:00AM, 9:15AM is the beginning of the first lesson, 10:15 is the second. 11:15 is break time, which lasts for 15 minutes. 11:30 marks the beginning of lesson 3, 1 hour. Then, at 12:30, it could be either lunch, or lesson 4. Sometimes lesson 4 is split in half bu lynch time. All three lunch times are 30 minutes long. Registration at 2:00PM, lesson 5 starts at 2:10PM, then finally school finishes at 3:10PM. On Thursdays, I stay back for another 50 minutes for science revision classes.
5. Home. Setup laptop, since I often take it to school. Stay in, and stuff. Exciting. Usually between 4-5, I call for my friend, Dexter. He's occasionally on DarkMyst #blaze with the nick, Devilmandex.
6. Dinner usually comes around 6:30-7:00PM. After that, it's just play on the laptop.
7. Bed at 11:00PM, I tend to be up 'til 11:30PM.

Weekends are different, obviously. Fridays, I go to my nan's or my dad's, in a pattern: Dad, nan, dad, nan. My nan picks me up about 7:00PM.


1. Nan picks me up.
2. Go to her house, stay there for the weekend.
3. See 7 in the next list.

On the weekend, I do this:

1. Get up and dressed and wash about 10-11AM.
2. Stay downstairs, watch TV until about 1:00PM.
3. Call for my friend Christopher ('Crosshair').
4. We play on the gamecube, since I can't be botehred to set the Wii up. I don't even need to, as we just play GCN games. We sometimes play a network game on Dragonball Z: Bid For Power.
5. At 3:00PM, we go on a paper-round. We do half each, in a way. I deliver more, but he has a greater distance to go.
6. After that, we get back. He usually has dinner, and I tend to see him again somewhere between 4:00 and 5:00. We usually play Maple Story.
7. He leaves at 7-8:00PM, I stay in my room for the next few hours until 10:30PM.
8. At 10:30PM, I go downstairs. Read the newspaper, listen to my MP3 player. Metal ftw.
9. Bed at 11:30-12:00AM

When I go to my dad's:

1. Leave my mom's at 6 when he picks me up.
2. Setup my laptop, I stay downstairs.
3. We tend to set up the Wii and play Wii sports on his uber-l33t 50" TV.
4. Dinner at around 7:00PM.
5. It's the same for the next few hours. I go to bed between 1:00 and 2:00AM.
6. Playing my Wii.

Saturday involves getting up at 11, then leaving at 1PM. Pretty much just a saturday after that. I don't do the paper round on sundays.
How to live the life of Knuckles:
1. Wake up on a floating island.
2. Say "I must protect the Master Emerald."
3. See Eggman coming.
4. Say "Eggman!"
5. Here Eggman say "Sonic is trying to steal your Master Emerald!"
6. Say "Mmmmm, well, I at least better check it out."
7. Beat up Sonic while Eggman steals the Master Emerald.... again.
8. Suddenly realize you've been tricked and go on a quest to find the Master Emerald.
9. Find the Master Emerald.
10. Break it into peices.
11. Go on a quest to find the Master Emerald pieces.
12. Find the Master Emerald peices.
13. Go home, eat some bugs, sleep.
The Life of Vector.

1. Wakes up.
2. Eats the whole cereal box.
3. Charmy comes in with a box and rams into Vector while also getting stung.
4. Vector wins a trip in outer space.
5. Leaves Mighty in charge of Team Chaotix.
6. Gets lost and ends up in Eggman's lab.
7. Steals Eggman's flying chair and flies to Station Square.
8. Gets air-mail and the letter says, "I stold your paycheck, by Eggman".
9. Hires Bomb and Heavy to get his paycheck back.
10. Vector's paycheck returned.
11. Goes to NASA and gets in the rocket.
12. Lifts off.
13. Crashes into the ARK.
14. Finds Shadow and says, "Find the computer room!!!!"
15. Made it at the computer room.
16. Vector plays Sonic Heros on the Main Computer.
17. Shadow steals Vector's paycheck and teleports.
18. ARK Explodes and Vector loses a life.
19. Lands in Cream's house.
20. Flirts with Cream's mother.
21. Goes to the TV Station and says on international television, "Find the computer room!"
22. Goes to Lost Jungle and talks to his uncle.
23. Notices that his paycheck is missing.
24. Runs into a wall and sleeps.
Stop posting the life of characters, I have told you all NOT to go off-topic... I know it may be fun and all but it gets sorta boring after awhile. But that is me. Just do whatever you want....
The Life Of Amy:
1: Wake up.
2: Find sonic
3: Flirt with sonic.
4: Follow sonic.
5: Trick sonic to go on a date.
6: Watches TV
7: Plays wii.
8: Waits for sonic to come to her house.
9: Sonic comes.
10: Kiss sonic.
11: Follow sonic AGAIN
12: Watches Sonic X
13: Yells at the creators of sonic x for making it a stupid show.
14: Makes 4Kids angry.
15: Get angry with 4Kids
16: Sue 4Kids for 100,00000 Rings.
17: Win.
18: Spend those rings on sonic.
19: Sonic becomes husband.
20: Sonic runs away.
21: Find sonic.
22: Repeat steps 1 through 22
Know what ....? That was actually kinda fun! :P
The life of Shadow:

1. Get up
2. Drink coffee
3. Steal a Chaos Emerald
4. Blame Sonic
5. Knock out Sonic
6. Turn him in
7. Gets 100,000,000 rings for a reward
8. Bail Sonic out of jail
9. Repeats steps 3-8 6 more times
10. Go home
11. Play Wii
12. Buy cars and video games
13. Goes to Sonic Team and Sega andbuys them to make all Sonic games into Shadow ones
14. Goes to Archie and does the same thing
15. Lives in Paradise
The Vector one was the best. And all this time I theorized he was looking for the computer room so he could
look up pr0n
find Gerald's video diary.

Eggmans life:
Wakes up.
Eats some Eggeggs and Eggbacon.
Puts on his Eggsuit.
Thinks of a way to kill Sonic.
Builds an Eggbot to kill Sonic with.
Finds Sonic.
Tries to kill Sonic.
Gets beat up by Sonic.
Yells at Sonic.
Tells sonic about some big Eggship(s).
Tries to find the Chaos Emeralds.
Says "I'll try again tomorrow".
Goes to his Eggbed.

EDIT2: Shadow seems more of a X360 guy to me.
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