Ret-2-go –Shantae
Hello! This is my first time here in this message board. My name is Matt and my interests include Sonic, Shantae and some others I don't remember but my favourites. I love crossovers. I hate ships that involve with sonic. eg: sonic with amy (yuck). I really like to make friends and cooperate with others so I won't have to be an ant living under a rock for about 5-10 years. Plus I'm not the smartest tool in the shed so if I make some stupid decision, it's my fault and I have to take account for that. I love this community as well since I heard some people say that the people over there were kind ones. I want to be a nice person so uh.. yeah. I'll make mods when I have the tools. And I'll be respectful as I can. ありがとう!