Lightning The Fox
It's My First Succesfull Map! I Used It On A Netgame With MAXSEND 3000 and everybody who joined it loved it. It Will:
Give You All Emeralds ( including master)
After You Get All Emeralds Walk through the fake wall and instantly get 50 rings and automaticly become super.
Opponents Can Barely Run Away
Field Is Covered With Ring Boxes And Armaddagon Shields
One Player Ranked It 7/10 so I feel confident it wil do good.
I will get screenshots up when I get back to my computer with Fraps and Hypersnap
Download link for beta 0.1 Is Here:
Please Post Comments and what should be improved
Known Bugs: Redwall may randomly appear, When you enter CTF on it by forcing the map ( against the rules if you don't remember ) only the red teams base will show.
Give You All Emeralds ( including master)
After You Get All Emeralds Walk through the fake wall and instantly get 50 rings and automaticly become super.
Opponents Can Barely Run Away
Field Is Covered With Ring Boxes And Armaddagon Shields
One Player Ranked It 7/10 so I feel confident it wil do good.
I will get screenshots up when I get back to my computer with Fraps and Hypersnap
Download link for beta 0.1 Is Here:
Please Post Comments and what should be improved
Known Bugs: Redwall may randomly appear, When you enter CTF on it by forcing the map ( against the rules if you don't remember ) only the red teams base will show.