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Music WADs?

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Well, since I'm a nice guy who procrastinates too much on his homework but still gets straight As!) and was incredibly bored earlier, I've made a DOOM music PWAD... grabbit here.

Please run it with the -nodigmusic parameter, or else you won't hear anything. Yep, they're MIDI. Sorry, but they're much smaller than OGGs.
Geona said:
I'm going to get this before the inevitable "*link removed*" sets in.
Why would I remove the link. He's not promoting his own site shamelessly. He's giving a link to a program that was requested. I don't remove links to Lumpmod...why would I remove that link?

The "link removed" links are not the type of stuff you actually want to click on anyways. They're generally really crappy websites that some n00b is trying to advertise, be it their own or some other website that they love like a fanboy.
I'd thought it was a reference to how so many WADs on the forum are broken links, but then again, there were a few programs linked to...
Chaos Zero 64 said:
You can still advertise stuff in your sig like many people do right?
Of course, that's what signatures are pretty much for. Creating a topic or replying is not appropriate, but having a banner in your sig pretty much describes why sigs were made in the first place.
Well, you're right, but I'll keep it up until I get some kind of cease and desist order or something. It's a small selection of the music from an old game, ported to a small game that hardly anyone's going to notice. Hey, somebody posted a lot of music ripped from the big-albeit-not-so-scary Valve Software, and nothing happened to THAT music WAD...
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