Music files are too big.

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no longer srb2ing
I'm having this issue since my first map attempt, when i choose the music for the map, the file seems to be so much big for only a music (1MB, 4MB)
Is there an way i can make the music files smaller? How? Help, please.
If you're using MP3s, you can convert your music to OGGs to reduce filesize but keep the quality about the same(?).
Get an audio editing program (Audacity is usually the pick) and open up your music file with it. From there, you can export it to a variety of sound formats at a range of quality settings. SRB2 supports almost all common music formats, though if you want to be consistent, try exporting to .ogg—that is the file type SRB2's music files are saved as, and they're generally pretty small compared to .wavs. I believe Audacity also lets you change the quality of the file if you need to bring it down slightly more. I also recommend trimming your music if it's a long file, especially if the song repeats itself somewhere in the file.
Thanks! I'll be trying to do it.
It's kinda boring to convert every single music but that's okay, you fixed my problem!
In Audacity, if you only want to convert the music files and not do any trimming, you can drag and drop multiple music files, and use the "Export multiple" function.
You'll be presented with a window where you get to choose the export formats and the output folder, among some other stuff you may not need.
Then you just hit OK to all other windows and your music will be exported quickly.

A tip: I always export music as OGGs with quality 0. In-game you don't even notice the loss of quality unless you really pay attention.
In Audacity, if you only want to convert the music files and not do any trimming, you can drag and drop multiple music files, and use the "Export multiple" function.
You'll be presented with a window where you get to choose the export formats and the output folder, among some other stuff you may not need.
Then you just hit OK to all other windows and your music will be exported quickly.

A tip: I always export music as OGGs with quality 0. In-game you don't even notice the loss of quality unless you really pay attention.
Thanks, thanks...
But, my problem is already fixed!
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