On the first desert level, i got all the emeralds but nothing happend....
He's got 900. He is not realy suppost to be killed that easy, but it is possable. He is not even meant to be killed. The seacret to killing him is to jump on him and stay bouncing on him. So you will be riding on him ( ) and he will eventualy pop!sasuketo uzuchihamaki said:metal sonic takes 4ever to kill. how manyy hitpoints does he have?
jrose05 said:I got a error when I tried to upload it. Am on very slow Internet.
Warning: md5_file(): Unable to open file in /home/content/s/u/p/superhedgiefox/html/srpgp/ffh/upload.php on line 16
You didn't pick a file to upload.
They cant? Yes they can. If they bump into you they to damage. the VS prog. metalmaddness zone is kina hard. I might make it a bit easyer next update. There are like 5 metalsonics on it heheh.sasuketo uzuchihamaki said:yep. are characters didn't die invane.they had a purpose. Also, that last boss was pretty hard because I couldn't see what I was doing.How come the metal sonics can't hurt you?
kunucklees said:Are you starting software mode on the launcher?