Django Urikashima
After a full week of tinkering, I feel my stage is ready for a public release.
Welcome to the Seabreeze Islands. A quiet set of islands in the middle of nowhere... It's the perfect place to pick a fight!
Come visit our quaint little islands! Use them to get to other islands across dangerous waters!
The Oasis is a nice place to relax and take things easy... or stock up on items and prepare for a full on assault. we don't judge...
Feeling unsafe on the ground? No worries! Take to the skies where you can get a nice view of our little island and any inhabitants (or targets) from the clouds above!
Come visit the Seabreeze Islands today! Our island paradise, waits for you!
Edit: Fixed some linedefs that were causing stage lag.
Edit2: Because everyone was complaining about it, I gave a bit of life to the islands: They now have Hills.
Also removed the death pit. The underwater Area serves no real purpose other than to catch players who are knocked into the waters below.
Final update, for most of you people have gotten on my last nerve:
There, sector based palm trees. I don't give 2 **** if you think it looks off, I did what I could with very limited resources, and I'm sick of hearing nothing but complaints from people who have probably never made a decent map BY THEMSELVES that has had good reviews by the majority of the forum.
I've had it, and I'm not taking it anymore.
I am NOT here to impress you people, I am here to show my own personal work while getting help on how to make it a better Level.
Instead, all I got from people was 'Throw glitter on that whore and make it all pretty!'
No, Screw that! From now on with my maps, it's on a critique-only basis. If I say 'Stop repeating ****, STOP, REPEATING, ****, NO EXCUSES.
At this point, it's Either 'play the stage or don't', I don't give a damn anymore.
Also, if you comment and I see it as unnecessary, I will reserve my right to ignore it and move on.
FFH Download Link here
This version works best ONLY in OpenGL mode. Software mode is prone to lag issues. I apologize for this sincerely, but there is nothing I can do, nor do I want to go back and fix everything when I really don't see a point in fixing it when nobody seems to give a crap about it anyway.
Do not evade the curse filter
Welcome to the Seabreeze Islands. A quiet set of islands in the middle of nowhere... It's the perfect place to pick a fight!
Come visit our quaint little islands! Use them to get to other islands across dangerous waters!
The Oasis is a nice place to relax and take things easy... or stock up on items and prepare for a full on assault. we don't judge...
Feeling unsafe on the ground? No worries! Take to the skies where you can get a nice view of our little island and any inhabitants (or targets) from the clouds above!
Come visit the Seabreeze Islands today! Our island paradise, waits for you!
Edit: Fixed some linedefs that were causing stage lag.
Edit2: Because everyone was complaining about it, I gave a bit of life to the islands: They now have Hills.
Also removed the death pit. The underwater Area serves no real purpose other than to catch players who are knocked into the waters below.
Final update, for most of you people have gotten on my last nerve:
There, sector based palm trees. I don't give 2 **** if you think it looks off, I did what I could with very limited resources, and I'm sick of hearing nothing but complaints from people who have probably never made a decent map BY THEMSELVES that has had good reviews by the majority of the forum.
I've had it, and I'm not taking it anymore.
I am NOT here to impress you people, I am here to show my own personal work while getting help on how to make it a better Level.
Instead, all I got from people was 'Throw glitter on that whore and make it all pretty!'
No, Screw that! From now on with my maps, it's on a critique-only basis. If I say 'Stop repeating ****, STOP, REPEATING, ****, NO EXCUSES.
At this point, it's Either 'play the stage or don't', I don't give a damn anymore.
Also, if you comment and I see it as unnecessary, I will reserve my right to ignore it and move on.
FFH Download Link here
This version works best ONLY in OpenGL mode. Software mode is prone to lag issues. I apologize for this sincerely, but there is nothing I can do, nor do I want to go back and fix everything when I really don't see a point in fixing it when nobody seems to give a crap about it anyway.
Do not evade the curse filter