mt_Mintale_Forest2.wad UPDATED

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I think something is wrong with your map, when I click on the level it becomes GFZ1 with a new name
EDIT: Wait I found the match area (mapA4). It seems you put the level with the wrong auto map change. And it says the map was unsupported, so you must of put the wrong mode too.
Sonic blue said:
I think something is wrong with your map, when I click on the level it becomes GFZ1 with a new name
EDIT: Wait I found the match area (mapA4). It seems you put the level with the wrong auto map change. And it says the map was unsupported, so you must of put the wrong mode too.

What? I swear i put a mode in it!!
If i didn't i will fix it.
sonicfreak94 said:
Whats with the screwy ceiling?...

It's suposed to be trees but the textures came out wrong, it still needs tweaking.
Chaos said:
@I'll Begin: Ugh.

@Lizard Guy: How long did you work on this?

3 days... (Including ideas...)

EDIT: and my animal is a Lizzard, A chameleon that talks
It has 2 z's
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