Here's a little something I've been working on the past three days.
The only player here was myself. Tails was a vanilla bot, everyone else was a custom fake bot. ExAI was enabled in an adapted form to function as the bots ai in this video, but I plan on adapting the vanilla bot AI to be the primary fake bot controller with ExAI as an option.
It's still very much WIP. The only thing that is really finalized is the 3d movement code, which is simply a transcription of three source functions into lua.
The primary goal of this mod is to allow players to play through the entire singleplayer campaign with the entire cast, rather than merely a pair, but It will provide more functionality and options as well. A few of these options include co-op bots, bots that follow bots, and hostile bots.
There are a few other things I would like to implement, but may not due to the increased complexity of the problems involved. These include independent bots for racing against, independent battlemode bots, and bots that know to work together to fly each other over obstacles.
The only player here was myself. Tails was a vanilla bot, everyone else was a custom fake bot. ExAI was enabled in an adapted form to function as the bots ai in this video, but I plan on adapting the vanilla bot AI to be the primary fake bot controller with ExAI as an option.
It's still very much WIP. The only thing that is really finalized is the 3d movement code, which is simply a transcription of three source functions into lua.
The primary goal of this mod is to allow players to play through the entire singleplayer campaign with the entire cast, rather than merely a pair, but It will provide more functionality and options as well. A few of these options include co-op bots, bots that follow bots, and hostile bots.
There are a few other things I would like to implement, but may not due to the increased complexity of the problems involved. These include independent bots for racing against, independent battlemode bots, and bots that know to work together to fly each other over obstacles.