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Moonshine City - My work-in-progress RP map

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The guy of horror maps.
Hello there, people!
I'm now showing you people some screenshots of my new WAD project: Moonshine City.

I am doing a big hangout map with a lot of places for freeroam, easter eggs, 7 hidden emeralds for collecting and some more fun stuff.
Release is soon.


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Hmm.... I guess Jazz did something REALLY equal as this map.... Just... The grass, colormap and sky. Nice-looking.
Hmm.... I guess Jazz did something REALLY equal as this map.... Just... The grass, colormap and sky. Nice-looking.

Hm... I have posted a lot of screenshots of this "work-in-progress" on SRB2 Discord community. He could take the idea from 'em, I don't know. Not saying he did it.
Anyways, this project is pretty old: around 3 years of editing and procrastination. I'm getting some inspiration to come back editing this nowadays.
around 3 years of editing and procrastination.
Wait a second, 3 years??!
I mean, you have been working for 3 years or 2 of them are laziness?
About Jazz.... He posted the screenshots on Discord too and i am pretty sure he did before you.
Alright I think I should clear the needless confusion Smith created.

A bit of backstory: Jazz club is an old thing that existed since 2015. In that year I made the first version. In late 2016 I finished a remake for it. (The one you usually see at Spectrum)

In the middle of this year I realized the map became Too small and repetitive. With the new knowledge I gained over the course, I started another remake. It's a kinda private project with a group of friends so you won't see it mentioned a lot.

Smith The Icefox said:
About Jazz.... He posted the screenshots on Discord too and i am pretty sure he did before you.

Like I said before, I started this project in the middle of this year, early august maybe. Back then I wasn't aware of Hendrix's project, neither was he about mine. So there's no way anyone copied anything. Both maps have different themes. Hendrix's map is a city, while mine is a club.
Also I'm pretty sure that Hendrix posted on discord some screenshots of his project way before the screenshot you posted (which I didn't give you permission to post it).
Chill out, people! No one copied anything here... Jazz has his original ideas, and I had too, we just use a similar style of atmosphere on map (colormap and textures). By the way, I started editing this map around late 2014.
As you can see on my another release here on MB "mt_midnightmeadow.wad", I used the same colormap. I really like nighty maps with that colormap, so I think it would fit good in a city x3

There's no confusion people! Peace 'u'
Alright I think I should clear the needless confusion Smith created
I'd say your post is needless;
You created a confusion, when i said you did before Hendrix i meant, you did post the screenshots before and if i am wrong, that's just okay.
Chill out, people! No one copied anything here... Jazz has his original ideas, and I had too, we just use a similar style of atmosphere on map (colormap and textures). By the way, I started editing this map around late 2014.
As you can see on my another release here on MB "mt_midnightmeadow.wad", I used the same colormap. I really like nighty maps with that colormap, so I think it would fit good in a city x3

There's no confusion people! Peace 'u'

Right, no confusion. That's why i repeat, copy isn't inspiration, i meant it were kinda inspiration not a copy.
There's a significant difference between copy and inspiration
Also, good job Hendrix, it may be really hard to make a full map with colormap! :D
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