Sky The Destroyer
Member (Retro Article) (Japanese Website for the Collection) (Announcement Video)
SEGA announced the Model 2 collection, which includes Sonic The Fighters.
Sonic The Fighters is going be ported to XBLA/PSN along with 4 other Model 2 titles with online play. Sonic The Fighters specifically is going to have Metal Sonic, Eggman, and Honey as actual playable characters. (Japanese Website for the Collection) (Announcement Video)
SEGA announced the Model 2 collection, which includes Sonic The Fighters.
Sonic The Fighters is going be ported to XBLA/PSN along with 4 other Model 2 titles with online play. Sonic The Fighters specifically is going to have Metal Sonic, Eggman, and Honey as actual playable characters.
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