Welcome to Mobius Armageddon topic!
Here you will see a beta of Mod, and may know what has already been done.
The Levels:
Summer Valley Zone (100%)
A bealtiful Zone, whin Flowers and waterfalls. Here you can relax, but becareful!
Crystal Palace Zone (40%, only one act for now)
You now enter in a Crystal Palace. Run inside this isolated Castle, and use all in your way!
Intense Mud Zone (0%)
Use full speed here! Pass into Speed Pads, jump above big Muds, and good luck!
For now, no more levels are confirmed.
The Secrets:
Level Select (Beat the Game)
Not much to say, complete the beta to unlock Level Select
Canceled Levels (Beat the game in Ultimate Mode)
Yea, Mobius Armageddon have canceled levels! To unlock this, beat game in Ultimate Mode.
The Story:
Sorry, no story for now.
Download beta, and enjoy =D
Version 0.2:
Mobius Armageddon wad:
Mobius Armageddon Musics wad:
Version 0.3:
Mobius Armageddon wad:
Mobius Armageddon Musics wad:
Here you will see a beta of Mod, and may know what has already been done.
The Levels:
Summer Valley Zone (100%)
A bealtiful Zone, whin Flowers and waterfalls. Here you can relax, but becareful!
Crystal Palace Zone (40%, only one act for now)
You now enter in a Crystal Palace. Run inside this isolated Castle, and use all in your way!
Intense Mud Zone (0%)
Use full speed here! Pass into Speed Pads, jump above big Muds, and good luck!
For now, no more levels are confirmed.
The Secrets:
Level Select (Beat the Game)
Not much to say, complete the beta to unlock Level Select
Canceled Levels (Beat the game in Ultimate Mode)
Yea, Mobius Armageddon have canceled levels! To unlock this, beat game in Ultimate Mode.
The Story:
Sorry, no story for now.
Download beta, and enjoy =D
Version 0.2:
Mobius Armageddon wad:
Mobius Armageddon Musics wad:
Version 0.3:
Mobius Armageddon wad:
Mobius Armageddon Musics wad:
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