Jason The Hedgehog
Not to waste anyone's time but, does anyone out there know of a good online MMORPG games that doesn't cost money to play? At least something with decent graphics and a new style gameplay. No runescape style stuff. ^_^
Shuffle said:Maplestory was nothing but a boring grindfest like RO, when I played it..
Guild Wars doesn't cost money monthly, just about 30 bucks for the CD, and that's supposedly a pretty good one.
I'll Begin said:Hello Sonow. RuneScape fanboy (by defention) standing within 100 kilobytes of you.
I'd suggest MapleStory too. It's more action than "point-and-click". SilkRoad Online is apparrently not bad according to my friend.
And you're not even limited to RPGs. Gunbound is a shooter that's entirely online, and it's a pretty good game in my opinion.