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or maybe its cause the levels are too big....wait...THAT IS THE REASON,OMFG :eek: :|

iv'e heard no comments so far,not to happy,the mirror glitches don't get in my way,nor the beta tester's.when your racing you tend to ignore them and focus on the el roado

and its not glitchy,its srb2's system to handle big levels,which isnt very good

one more thing,i think i made an error in my naming maps
map64=the mansion
or maybe its cause the levels are too big....wait...THAT IS THE REASON,OMFG
Yeah, that and visplane overflows tend to go hand-in-hand, IIRC. That and an excessive amount of sectors in a small area.

How does it look in OpenGL, though?... I should look into that.

Oh wait, it's in the readme, right. Well, that sucks.

I don't care about how the "feel" of a level is the same, since that "feel" is completely and utterly DEMOLISHED when the floor ahead of you turns into lava for some reason, and a good deal of the wall next to it, too, eliciting an unwanted response from the human player (if not the machine, which recognizes that collision is going on as per usual).
Doesn't seem all that different to me. Levels are still stupidly big and confusing, totally open to cause every software renderer error in the engine, and have no easy way to signify what's going on.

I found a simple way to make the stages more fun, though. I took WadAuthor, hit Select All, right clicked, Scale Sector, set it to 50%, and hit enter. Saved, nodesbuilt, and ran.

Here's Luigi Raceway with that simple thing done to it: http://mystic.sepwich.com/luigiraceway.wad

Suddenly, the stages are fun to run through, there is stuff to see and do, and almost all of the graphical glitches are totally gone. I did it to most of the other early stages with the same effect. Every time, the map became much more fun with about 15 seconds worth of work.

While shrinking the maps deals with the size problem, it doesn't seem like it would deal with the confusing problem, but in many situations it actually does. Because all of the renderer errors are nullified, it's much easier to see around the stage and figure out what the player is supposed to do. When I can see my entire objective in front of me, it's much easier to analyze it and figure out the solution.

The bottom line is that almost all of the levels are just TOO big. They're totally open, with absolutely nothing to see or do. The path stretches forward totally flat with nothing on it for miles. Levels aren't supposed to be like that. They can stretch for miles, but there has to be something to see and do there. Add scenery, add turns and stuff to do in long stretches. But whatever you do, don't leave them totally flat and barren. I got bored before even finishing one lap on most of the courses before I shrunk them.

Sonic and Mario Kart are both about flow. Getting lost in a sea of confusing labyrinths and renderer errors kills any flow your level pack has.
Yeah, that limitation has been in there a while. It doesn't have to do with the size of the stage, though, it has to do with how far the player can SEE across the stage, and the amount of detail. Judging from my experience with AGZ2, it's possible that he could keep the stage that big and fix all the renderer errors by adding lots of details, but it's not guarunteed because of how absolutely huge they are. The reality is that the SRB2 engine is just not designed to handle stages with a viewable area of 16000 units or so. I do it once in AGZ2, but I have tons of objects and scenery to make it look more interesting, and it doesn't glitch (except for a section of the sky where it goes onto a FOF between two F_SKY1s).

There is a reason why SRB2's stages have walls blocking the way and view across the whole stage, and this is one of them. The other is that with large walls with one-sided linedefs blocking the view, the framerate goes up exponentially as well.
alright,i'll tell ya what,i needed to clean up a few stuff anyways

it seems,the newer levels are smaller cause of the most recent wads iv'e made.iv'e been trying to make small levels.map21 through 26,the main glitchy maps that is,were made in 2002.Shrinking just these maps i could do,so i will if you guys think that is what the best choice is.
Thank you, Shadow, for releasing MKraces to the public. It is very interesting.
Mystic said:
Yeah, that limitation has been in there a while. It doesn't have to do with the size of the stage, though, it has to do with how far the player can SEE across the stage, and the amount of detail. Judging from my experience with AGZ2, it's possible that he could keep the stage that big and fix all the renderer errors by adding lots of details, but it's not guarunteed because of how absolutely huge they are. The reality is that the SRB2 engine is just not designed to handle stages with a viewable area of 16000 units or so.
What about EPZ? There wasn't much viewable area, it was smaller than Lobby o Retardedness (in dimension) but it still crashed.
Egg Palace? Egg Palace has no one-sided linedefs, so even though the player sees a wall, the renderer keeps going to the other side of the stage.
i'm currently uploading a....how you say...'better' mkraces5,and i appreciate all the.....comments,but i noticed 1 thing.You guys didnt comment on the non glitchy levels,like TheMansion,or RainbowRoad

HotDog,i'm currently sending you the update,please re-upload if you can
*slaps himself in 'teh' forehead*
apparently an OLD patch wad was in there,one used back in the beta....you can delete your mkraces5patch.wad people
plus in the new zip,there will be a bat file that loads the files in the order i usually do,which would be good in your cases.
Mystic said:
Egg Palace? Egg Palace has no one-sided linedefs, so even though the player sees a wall, the renderer keeps going to the other side of the stage.

So it's good design practice to put a mini-thok-barrier where the player wouldn't normally be able to go in order to increase framerate?
Sonicandtails218 said:
Mystic said:
Egg Palace? Egg Palace has no one-sided linedefs, so even though the player sees a wall, the renderer keeps going to the other side of the stage.

So it's good design practice to put a mini-thok-barrier where the player wouldn't normally be able to go in order to increase framerate?

Pretty much.
wow,now that iv'e released the fix,i have gotten no complaints,BUT STILL NO !@#$ compliments, you guys act like this wad is owed to you,not mentioning character wads either.
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