Million Dollar Winner!

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Scarbo the Black Sheep

Furry Composer
Well, about 10 minutes ago, I saw someone win $1,000,000 on the Price Is Right! Woot! They had a special thing with the Million Dollar Spectacular today: if you could beat the Clock Game in under 10 seconds, you'd win $1,000,000! It happened!

This is awesome.
Someday I'll go and steal the luck to the winner. I want to see if I can get $1000000 too D:
Just so you know, there was a showcase w/ three jeeps in it. I made a bid as if I was actually on the show at the time. I was about $300 below the actual retail price, and according to the rules of the spectacular, I only needed to be $1000 below, so I would have won the three jeep showcase, a showcase with a ski boat in it, and a million dollars.

Just imagine me being on there...

Oh, and it's true; Bob Barker was way better than Drew Carey is. He's okay, I just think CBS could have come up with someone better (someone suggested Conan).
Don't gameshows get boring after a while? I remember watching "Wheel of Fortune" to death when I was younger and "Who Wants to be a Millionaire". After a while it wasn't really interesting.

Alot of it has to do with the host though... Foxworthy (sp?) makes 5th Grader hilarious, and that guy who used to be on Millionaire was also pretty good.

There seem to be quite a lot of gameshows around though, (I used to think Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, and Millionaire were all). Personally I'd rather watch a show like Jericho... unfortunately Nielson doesn't like story-driven television and CBS canceled it again last week.

Then again, I don't usually watch TV... I've only once found a show on TV that I really cared about.
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