Just a random mod I made on a rainy day
Title Screen
Level End:
One day Mig was enjoying the clouds when a Chao comes and asks Mig to help him rescue his Chao friends and so begins a stupid adventure filled with tacos XP
Replaces "Sonic Robo Blast 2" with "Mig's Taco Madness" (shown above)
Replaces Rings with tacos (shown above)
Replaces Monitors with bags (I don't know why)(shown above)
Replaces "___ got through zone _" screen (shown above again)
Replaces Boss *don't want to spoil*
Adds Cut scenes (up to first boss [optional])
Wat I'm Trying to do:
Finish Cutscenes
Replace Chaos Emeralds with something
some other stuff I forgot...
migthefoxold.wad - Old Mig The Fox, has lightdash,ringslinger and is overpowered
migthefoxnew.wad - *fixed bug* New Mig The Fox, normal power , no lightdash, no ringslinger
MigScenes.wad - adds a little story to the mod, not finished yet, only has cut scenes for level 1 2 and first boss,
migmod.wad - The Mod basically
Everything - Just to save you the trouble of downloading one by one in case you want everything *Does not contain migthefoxnew bugfix so you might need to download migthefoxnew too*
Title Screen
Level End:
One day Mig was enjoying the clouds when a Chao comes and asks Mig to help him rescue his Chao friends and so begins a stupid adventure filled with tacos XP
Replaces "Sonic Robo Blast 2" with "Mig's Taco Madness" (shown above)
Replaces Rings with tacos (shown above)
Replaces Monitors with bags (I don't know why)(shown above)
Replaces "___ got through zone _" screen (shown above again)
Replaces Boss *don't want to spoil*
Adds Cut scenes (up to first boss [optional])
Wat I'm Trying to do:
Finish Cutscenes
Replace Chaos Emeralds with something
some other stuff I forgot...
migthefoxold.wad - Old Mig The Fox, has lightdash,ringslinger and is overpowered
migthefoxnew.wad - *fixed bug* New Mig The Fox, normal power , no lightdash, no ringslinger
MigScenes.wad - adds a little story to the mod, not finished yet, only has cut scenes for level 1 2 and first boss,
migmod.wad - The Mod basically
Everything - Just to save you the trouble of downloading one by one in case you want everything *Does not contain migthefoxnew bugfix so you might need to download migthefoxnew too*