This map is SEVERELY OVERRATED! Perfect scores? Are you serious? I know why it's being overrated and I'll explain in a second, but first, here's my rating:
This is a C-/D+. C-/D+, in the American grading system, is essentially the line that borders average and
below average. It is not exceptional, nor is it horrible; it is a bit below average. Not bad for a first match map, I must say, but not a particularly good map either.
1.) Overused Pegging~
-This is the FIRST thing I noticed. Seriously, when you use GFZGRASS for almost EVERY exposed line, it looks annoying.
2.) Misuse of Space~
-You made the map fairly big, and you have a ton of space. Most of the map is ONLY EMPTY SPACE. How do you expect to get anywhere with empty space? If you're thinking "what do you mean? lol i put features in it", guess what:
You may use these images for the first page of this topic; I don't think it's possible to make it any more "awesome" than it already is. =|~
Wastes of space. Adding stuff to make use of the space will only make the map worse, at this point, as the design doesn't allow for that kind of versatility. Right now, it appears it'll either be a gratuitous waste of space, or a very, very cramped map.
3.) Homing-Rail Achievable~
-You don't get points off for this, but it has to be noted: Homing-Rail is arguably the
most powerful weapon combo in the game. This map's design makes Homing-Rail overpowered to the extreme. Before anyone comes and says "OMG AUTOMATIC 0/10 HOMING-RAIL IS NOT ALLOWED!", I do believe a positive Homing-Rail combo is able to be made to work with a map's structure. This one, does not. Let's face it: We all LOVE the Homing-Rail combo, but it's difficult to make it work.
4.) Corrupt Risk vs. Reward~
-You have the Homing-Rail at a viable range for anyone to use. Okay, that's nice. Any risks to getting either of them? Nope. The reward? A few hundred points. So wait, Risk < Reward? That makes no sense! There are virtually no risks in this map to take. Nothing can kill you except for torches, drowning, or another player -- all of which are easily escapable. Also, you have a lot more deafed monitors than you really should. I see maybe 4 or 5 that are deafed, plus random monitors. These should be avoided unless risk is provided. If there is no risk, one could simply take a run through the map and get significant bonuses in less than a minute of playtime.
5.) Ring Combination Doesn't Support Map Design~
-You don't have to place a two-special-ring combination in every map for it to be interesting. Since your map has close quarters, rail is a poor choice. Your map is very big, so homing is a poor choice because of its speed. Put them together, and it's overpowered! How does this make sense? Well, in some areas you have tons of obstacles, whereas in other areas, you have none. This makes for unbalance, as neither work for this map. You would've done better placing just automatics in this map. Sapphire Falls did it, so why can't yours? It works perfectly fine. Hell, even Homing-Auto would've worked out better than your current one.
6.) Another Generic Greens Level~
-I don't understand why everyone thinks the generic "GFZ-Themed" map is the nicest and most beautiful theme to use in SRB2. It's overused to a point where the amount of maps that go by this theme are staggering. "I don't have to think of a new type of design when I have my trusty FLOOR0_3, FLOOR0_6, and GFZROCK!" It's boring. That's just it. The majority seem to think it looks fantastic when overused, but in reality, it's just the most common, so that's the only theme they ever get to see used at all, whether it be used correctly or incorrectly.
7.) Poor Item Placement~
-There aren't a lot of rings in this map. You can get the lot of them from monitors, yes, but do I have to? What about the other players? Be generous. Match eats up your rings, so provide some. Don't be shy, just throw them on the map in some sort of order. Too little rings makes a gap in gameplay.
8.) Obstacle Disruption~
-You have areas with a large clump of obstacles, and areas with no obstacles. Both are annoying and suck equally, and it does not balance your level between "flat" and "interesting", it makes it fall on either "annoying" or "annoying".
I think a nice long look at Level Design 101 will really help you improve:
Also, I found a bug:
The water is 8 units above the ground. That's not a good thing.
Other than that, this is what I feel you deserved. Perfect scores? You didn't achieve perfection, so how is this map worthy of perfect scores? Don't let the SRB2MB's foolish ratings sway you in the wrong direction; it's not perfect; in fact, it's
far from it. Anyway, okay for your first Match map. In terms of an actual stage: Not awful, but not very good either.
As for the rest of you, please try to actually play maps in netgames rather than testing it by just roaming around, or using bots. The only real way to tell the gameplay of the map is by netgaming with it, because that's the primary use of custom maps. If it works in JTE, by yourself, but not in netgames, something is wrong. It's that simple.
4/10 -