Advanced FOFing Concepts
The textures work fine when I convert them into (Graphic Doom) but I'm using PNG for the color rendering and the conversion destroys my color. I load the PNG image into the wad and I'm met with a battery of graphical flaws.
First the cyan.
In other areas, it's doin' this mess.
Some sides don't display it at all.
While the other side of the same wall is doing this.
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. I currently have these middle PNG textures with my other PNG wall texture (between TX_START and TX_END)
If this is wrong, it would be great if someone slapped me in the head and told me so!
First the cyan.
In other areas, it's doin' this mess.
Some sides don't display it at all.
While the other side of the same wall is doing this.
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. I currently have these middle PNG textures with my other PNG wall texture (between TX_START and TX_END)
If this is wrong, it would be great if someone slapped me in the head and told me so!