Metal Replay

Metal Replay 1.01

Iced Time

Iced Time submitted a new resource:

[Open Assets] Metal Replay - Metal Sonic for Racing I guess

Have you ever wanted to play the Metal Sonic from Black Core Act 1? Well now you can!
Metal Replay!
View attachment 143545
He works just like Metal Sonic from Black Core (or other levels that have a metal race)

You can have a fair race with friends! (if their not good at racing)

Hover: If you've played Metal before You know how this works
View attachment 143547
Spike Melt: Walk into spikes to break them...

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Heck yeah! This could be very useful for those wanting to make game-accurate Metal Sonic replays.
yeah this is cool
i got a suggestion though

when you fight Metal Sonic he's actually normal colors, maybe you could make him the Clone Fighter like from Metal's campaign,


cooler idea: sonic boss fight?
I made a version with (an attempt to add) the 2.2.14 sprites and an unique CSS description, not really such a big deal, but, can I place it here?

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