This is not 1 of those boring Wads where people just make every level an SA level and add some maps. This one edits the enemy sprites(See chart below), adds 3 new skins, makes each level SA, and adds Egg Carrier, Mystic Ruins, Station Square, and Chao garden. Each new level has a teleporter to a new section, where you play the level of the new section.
Enemy Chart
Crawlas become Tanks,
Crawla Commanders become normal beetles,
Jetty-Syn gunners become hovering GUN human-bot,
Jetty-Syn bombers become bomb beetles,
and if I missed anything tell me.
However, as you can probably tell, this will take like a year to finish, so if anyone wants to help, post. I'll be editing enemy sprites.
Worker chart
Wazzup?_10=enemy sprites.
EDIT: You can do part of a job, also there's a new job:Making Cutscenes.I'll send you the new SOC and you edit it in the SOC editor to make cutscenes.It would be appreciated to make it animated(Make the time 1 tick and make each picture look barely different.).
Enemy Chart
Crawlas become Tanks,
Crawla Commanders become normal beetles,
Jetty-Syn gunners become hovering GUN human-bot,
Jetty-Syn bombers become bomb beetles,
and if I missed anything tell me.
However, as you can probably tell, this will take like a year to finish, so if anyone wants to help, post. I'll be editing enemy sprites.
Worker chart
Wazzup?_10=enemy sprites.
EDIT: You can do part of a job, also there's a new job:Making Cutscenes.I'll send you the new SOC and you edit it in the SOC editor to make cutscenes.It would be appreciated to make it animated(Make the time 1 tick and make each picture look barely different.).