May 21st

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Been working. . .
wikipedia said:
The 2011 end times prediction made by Christian radio host Harold Camping states that the Rapture (in premillennial theology, the taking up into heaven of God's elect people) will take place on May 21, 2011 at 6 p.m. local time (the rapture will sweep the globe time zone by time zone) and that the end of the world as we know it will take place five months later on October 21, 2011. Camping, president of the Family Radio Christian network, claims the Bible as his source and says May 21 will be the date of the Rapture and the day of judgment "beyond the shadow of a doubt". His followers claim that around 200 million people (approximately 3% of the world's population) will be raptured.

Most Christian groups have not embraced Camping's predictions; some have explicitly rejected them. An interview with a group of church leaders noted that all of them have scheduled services as usual for Sunday, May 22. Camping previously claimed that the world would end in September 1994.

Most are panicking, some are spending money like no tomorrow, others are skipping work just to go to church, apparently Jesus is here (lolnein) etc,etc. I think the news reports, and religious believers reacting to this particular day makes the topic self explanatory.

Discuss... ((And lets not stir up nonsense. Keep this crap civil and sane.))

EDIT: OP contains info about May 21st in case anyone doesn't know.
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I think the news reports, and religious believers reacting to this particular day makes the topic self explanatory.
It... doesn't, actually. Even if it is self-explanatory, you haven't expressed your own views on it(though I can certainly try to figure them out based on what you've said already).

...anyways, I wouldn't say most people are panicking, or even a noticeable portion. End of the world predictions happen all the time, and we're still here... in fact, Harold Camping, the man behind the may 21st prediction, has done this before. Why listen to him now?

Really, I just chalk the publicity this story has gotten up to the beltway press' affinity for latching on to crazy people.
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I heard about this in the newspaper a week ago, it is probably something we shouldn't be panicking about. Everyone will die at one point in their lives.

As someone has told me (someone with that Christian religious belief), had said that Jesus said "No one would predict the time of Judgement." Which believes to be dated on May 21st, 2011. Oh what do I know? This is just what someone had told me.

But I do have to believe with Prime 2.0 on that as well. That end of the world predictions are always happening.
This is the funniest thing I've heard today.

How long will it take for anyone to realize that the Bible was written by men? Men come up with fiction all the time to explain occurrences in nature and the creation of the world. They're called myths. They're all influenced by common knowledge at the period it was written. Why else do you think God doesn't seem to know about the Universe despite being the Almighty Creator? Why doesn't he know about hermaphrodites when he calls homosexuality an abomination?

The only apocalypse that humans can predict that will have actual truth to it is them turning against themselves or for our sun to go supernova. But a supernova is far from happening with our knowledge.
I hope it is the end of the world, then I don't have to worry about all my responsibilities anymore.
Isn't there some passage in the Bible about man not knowing when Jesus is supposed to return?

Yet another wonderful case of religious morons misinterpreting their own "sacred" scripture.

Bonus points for the fact that the guy who started this hilarity has done it before.
How long will it take for anyone to realize that the Bible was written by men? Men come up with fiction all the time to explain occurrences in nature and the creation of the world. They're called myths. They're all influenced by common knowledge at the period it was written. Why else do you think God doesn't seem to know about the Universe despite being the Almighty Creator? Why doesn't he know about hermaphrodites when he calls homosexuality an abomination?

Finally someone who understands. If you had tried to explain this to any other Christian they wouldn't listen even though its so obvious. Guess people just don't like being proven wrong huh?
Hooray, another topic for people to say "I'm right, the rest of you are wrong except those who i agree with".
trentdude2 said:
If you had tried to explain this to any other Christian they wouldn't listen even though its so obvious. Guess people just don't like being proven wrong huh?

The thing is, Christians are Christians, and they were raised by their parents to be that way. You can't just simply tell them "the Bible is fake," of course they're going to disagree.

As for the whole May 21st thing, it's a myth, period. Why make the topic anyways? We all know how the 2012 topic turned out.
What I heard around school today is that at 6:00PM Saturday there will be...

B.Zombie Apocalypse
C.God returns and reanimate the dead
D.God returns and take 100,500,052 people to heaven
You know. Rerising any corpses wouldn't be THAT bad. I mean. The majority of corpses are buried underground or burned or ruined otherwise so they wouldn't be a threat really. Also broken down by natural processes.

Also as an Atheist I believe this is utter bull simply due to not believing in the idea of God or a Judgement Day. This is some guy trying to make money off of the insecurities of other people.
The first time I heard about the May 21st in my life was on this topic, as a matter of fact, I thought it was a holiday. Anyways, if the world's gonna end tomorrow, I don't care, as there's nothing I can do to stop it, and worrying certainly won't help.
What I heard around school today is that at 6:00PM Saturday there will be...

B.Zombie Apocalypse
C.God returns and reanimate the dead
D.God returns and take 100,500,052 people to heaven

I'd totally go for B

Not that I believe it will happen or anything, but still...
Matthew 24:36 said:
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

<God> Dammit, he figured it out again. Guess I need to pick a new date...
Well, I am officially damned. There are already signs of the End starting. I can list a couple of things that had happened to me today which leads me to believe that this is true.

1. There was a flood of Zombies that appeared in my school today.
2. A huge earthquake came and leveled nearly 4 cities.
3. The Devil came and gave me some pills.
4. D00D64 created a topic related to RolePlaying.
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