Match/CTF Level Rotation - 2.1 Public Beta

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With the previous success of the 2.0.5 #srb2fun match testing, we're going to be expanding a bit with 2.1 and introducing this properly to the forums as well.

Welcome to the public beta for 2.1's match and capture the flag levels. The purpose of this public beta is to test the levels for 2.1's multiplayer modes in 2.0.6 to make sure that they're working well and balanced before the release of 2.1. This means you're likely to see stages in this that are a little unbalanced, glitchy, or otherwise not up to the quality standards normally seen in SRB2's IWAD. Please note that what you see in this file is not necessarily what will be in the release version of 2.1. Entire stages may even be added or removed in the process. Texture revamps are likely to continue to happen. If you don't like something we want to know, but don't act like these changes are all necessarily permanent.

When providing feedback, please make sure to supply information such as how many players were in the game, if there was significant latency in your game, or other similar things that affect play. We want to know when stages work for 3 players but don't with 16, and vice versa, or high and low latency amounts. I especially want to know if you're getting framerate drop in any situation. This is not the OLDC, so don't feel any need to score anything or provide feedback on stages you didn't play. The most important thing is to be very specific about what you did and didn't like about the stage. Use screenshots and/or coordinates to describe specific stage features, and be specific about choke points or other parts of the stage that aren't something you can show with a screenshot. Please always use the name of the stage instead of the map number because the map numbers may be swapped around during development. Finally, make SURE you are running the most current version of the file. Describing a problem we already fixed doesn't help us in any way.

There are a LOT of stages in this file, so we suggest starting at a relatively random starting point for each game, as it's not likely you'll get all the way through the levels in a single netgame. There is also the random next level feature, but do note that it may select a map from the IWAD instead of the new versions. Current level listing to make feedback easier:

MAPM0: Jade Valley Zone
MAPM1: Noxious Factory Zone
MAPM2: Tidal Palace Zone
MAPM3: Thunder Citadel Zone
MAPM4: Desolate Twilight Zone
MAPM5: Infernal Cavern Zone
MAPM6: Frost Columns Zone
MAPM7: Celestial Sanctuary Zone
MAPM8: Sapphire Falls Zone
MAPM9: Meadow Match Zone
MAPMA: Granite Gorge Zone
MAPMB: Overgrown Thicket Zone
MAPMC: Amber Ravine Zone
MAPMD: Marine Grotto Zone
MAPME: Crystalline Caves Zone
MAPMF: Acid Plant Zone
MAPMG: Secluded Woodland Zone
MAPMH: Orbital Hangar Zone
MAPMI: Diamond Blizzard Zone

MAPF0: Lime Forest Zone
MAPF1: Cloud Palace Zone
MAPF2: Silver Cascade Zone
MAPF3: Icicle Falls Zone
MAPF4: Twisted Terminal Zone
MAPF5: Nimbus Ruins Zone
MAPF6: Nostalgic Pass Zone
MAPF7: Dusty Barracks Zone
MAPF8: Clockwork Towers Zone
MAPF9: Molten Fissure Zone
MAPFA: Radiant Caverns Zone
MAPFB: Techno Laser Zone
MAPFC: Iron Turret Zone
MAPFD: Conveyor Conflict Zone
MAPFE: Dual Fortress Zone
MAPFF: Aquatic Base Zone

Finally, the download is attached below. I will be hosting some games myself in #srb2fun, but feel free to play on your own and post feedback either here or in #srb2fun. A lot of different points of view is essential for improving multiplayer stages.


    3.7 MB · Views: 847
    3.9 MB · Views: 1,716
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>Opens topic
>Sees Acid Plant
>Sees Retro Pack's Iron Turret

Goddamnit you guys.
Anyways, will play it later.

>Techno Lazer

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I noticed something in lime forest: If you look closely at the water surface, you can notice that not all the water is at the same height... or at least that there's something wrong with it.
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Bug reporting

MAPF2 Silver Cascade Zone - Death pit sectors where were meant to be safe platforms: Sectors 157, 158, 159, 160 (center of the map).

MAPF3 Icicle Falls Zone - Waterslide effect in cascades can lead the player into unexpected movements/states (e.g. pain_state on dry floor). I deeply suggest to remove waterslide effect from the cascades.

MAPF5 Nimbus Ruins Zone - Broken Death pit 3 x 0 Level Designers


(yoo-hooo, I'm still here :D)

* Ezer'Arch runs away *
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I feel it is worth mentioning in the updated version of Frost Columns Zone I found that players using light blue colours and the light blue emerald camoflauged with the environment thanks to the colour map that covered the level.
Nimbus Ruins Zone - Okay, this map is old. It's pretty well bland compared to the other maps now, I think this map needs a makeover now, not just a touch-up to a few of the FOFs.
Just finished playing almost all of the maps in one go on Mystic's server. Let's just say it was one of the longest but surely funnest experiences I've had in SRB2.

Gonna make short comments on each map tomorrow when I'm not tired as hell.
So the first thing that happens in this topic is bitching about Nimbus Ruins. How predictable.
At least the reasons seem somewhat valid. If it's the same map we've been playing for who-only-knows how long...

*will add own play experience either here or in a new post*
At least the reasons seem somewhat valid. If it's the same map we've been playing for who-only-knows how long...
The reasons I saw were "too hard" (Mystic's been over this a million times; I want a dollar for every time he explains how the map works) and "too bland" (which, thanks to the update isn't the case anymore. And even if it were, it's the gameplay that's important, not the looks). I wouldn't call that valid.

On a different note, why is Diamond Blizzard not in there?
The reasons I saw were "too hard" (Mystic's been over this a million times; I want a dollar for every time he explains how the map works) and "too bland" (which, thanks to the update isn't the case anymore. And even if it were, it's the gameplay that's important, not the looks). I wouldn't call that valid.
Somewhat valid. Not completely. It's a subjective term. I - personally, agree with this view you've shown.

Iron Turret issue - not with the map itself, but with abilities and the flag

or, tl;dw
1: Fly into enemy flag on sniper tower
2: Go into tired frames
3: ???

Now, keep in mind this might not be gamebreaking after people know about it. Or it might be. That's for you devs to decide to leave this in or take away Tails' ability to do that. And that this pretty much works anywhere with a high, secluded point and a hell of a lot of straight line ground to cover.
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Well I just play like 2 to 3 hours of the 2.1 wad and I must say this is one huge step for SRB2.

I play all the levels and I enjoy every one of them.

One thing that got me wondering is why are there some project hyper levels on 2.1?

Other then that it was fun.
On a different note, why is Diamond Blizzard not in there?
[12:13:25] <Spherallic> it's added in the next version*
[12:13:28] <Spherallic> :P
[12:13:33] <Spherallic> Mystic never played the stage
[12:13:48] <Spherallic> so he didn't know it existed and thus it didn't get added in
[12:14:13] <Spherallic> :P

*next version of the 21mult_v#.wad (in this case 21mult_v9), not in 2.2 or whatever

Just quoting this so everyone knows. Also, at the moment, Spaceport Warfare and Deserted Dancefloor have been scrapped, and Egg Hangar is added. Keep in mind that this is not final, and changes may happen.

One thing that got me wondering is why are there some project hyper levels on 2.1?
Because us developers liked some of the levels enough for them to be included in 2.1. However, nothing is sure at this moment, we've just added them in to see if they're up to par with 2.1's quality standards.
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My first impression is that there's too many maps. This is already reflecting itself in people's initial feedback, which barely covers anything significant due to the overwhelming amount of stuff to check out. I also feel that it's making us once again fall for the trap we fell in 1.09, where maps were added to the game just for the sake of having more maps. The CTF rotation is noticeably crummier than the Match one.

I went around the maps by myself and took a lot of mental notes about stuff that bugged me. I obviously can't comment on how they play without trying them in a decent number of netgames, but I already have a lot of observations about various other aspects, mostly aesthetics.

There's not much to say about the maps which were already present since 2.0, so this will mostly focus on the newcomers.

Frost Columns Zone:


Noticed a random bug, the floor inside this cave isn't slippery in the sectors with the lowered ceiling.

Granite Gorge Zone:

This was the first map to immediately strike me as odd to include. What about it is redeeming? In my opinion, it's ugly, disorienting, and has no sense of direction.

Overgrown Thicket Zone, Amber Ravine Zone:

Just a minor irk, I hope you do something about the order of these levels, because it's pretty annoying to have the Greenflower theme play for two rounds in a row.

Acid Plant Zone:

Oh dear. This level desperately needs different textures. Everything is gray and green and it all blends together making my brain collapse from exaustion when trying to read the information my eyes are furiously trying to make sense of. See that red Egg Rock texture used for the acid containers? That looks beautiful, use it more.

On another note, the electrical fences dotted around the edges of the acid pools don't seem particularly harmful. I think a higher speed for the texture animation, coupled with maybe an ambient sound (like the buzzing lasers make) should help.

Secluded Woodland Zone:

Minor peeve again, but I just don't think the music fits in with the map. I would suggest old ACZ2 (which is currently used by Silver Lake).

Lime Forest Zone:

The far back of the red base is partially permeable. You should move any control sectors away from the edges of the map.

Cloud Palace Zone:

The new cloud effect looks neat, but the framerate takes a noticeable hit, especially when standing on one edge of the map and looking off to the other end. Another thing that bugs me is the mossy texture used right around the flag spawn, it blends in with the grass a bit too much and makes it hard to see where the edge is.

Silver Cascade Zone:

What's with all the random pistons and useless windows and shit? I'm assuming this map is still well under construction, because the large windows which allow you to see the sky directly from the side don't make any sense and detract from the level's awesome direction.

Icicle Falls Zone:

Minor snag, but now that the bases have been moved farther back, it doesn't feel right to have all those banners near the flag's old resting place and nothing closer to the top levels. Needs some evening out.

Deserted Dancefloor Zone:

I honestly don't know what this level is doing here. It's ugly and boring, with no unique gimmick or architecture or anything fun and can be played by simply running in a straight line from one base to the other. We already have plenty of maps for that which play better, so this one should definitely bite the dust.

Dusty Barracks Zone:

I honestly think that these gimmicks with doors that open and close without active intervention by the player do not fit in SRB2's gameplay style. If there is a closed door, there should just be a button somewhere and that's it. Otherwise, get rid of the door.

The music in this level sucks, and I hope this track is gone in 2.1 altogether. Please use normal ACZ1 music instead.

Clockwork Towers Zone:


These cogwheels in the level have never worked right, and I honestly don't see the point trying to fix them. They look corny and are pointless. Just stick with static cogs and call it a day.

Radiant Caverns Zone:

The thin vertical bars near the bases in this stage can just be thokked through, and I don't think that's intentional. They need some invisible FOFs (or better yet, fake floors) for padding.

Spaceport Warfare Zone:

Remember what I said about Dusty Barracks? Yeah, times a hundred here. I literally attempted to get inside one of the elevators, randomly lost control of Sonic, the elevator started rising with me half inside the doorway and died by crushing. Immediate ragequit.

Techno Laser Zone:

This level still has the same exact problem as it did in the first place, being that it's not immediately obvious that you're shrinking/growing. I would joke and just suggest using the Mario sound effects, but the fact is I can't think of a visual cue that unambiguously lets the player know what's happening.

Conveyor Conflict Zone:


This level is horrid. The textures used are awful and make it impossible to discern what the fuck is going on. This was a blatant step back over the original version. On another note, the outer space sections seem completely superfluous because the level works perfectly within the inside sections alone. There needs to be a very good reason for the player to wander so far off track. I would go as far as to suggest forcing the space section as the only way to cross between bases, even if just for a short while. The level also needs a new name.

Dual Fortress Zone:

Yeah sure let's use every colored brick texture we have. (Get rid of the dark brown bricks and replace them with the beige ones.)

I probably forgot stuff along the way, so I'll be back.

Spaceport Warfare and Deserted Dancefloor have been scrapped

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I reviewed every level (mainly just walked through and looked for graphical errors) in the pack, and I don't have many gripes that are unsaid.


Maybe you should just make that another standstill cog.

My major gripe is with the "new" CTF maps (many just 1.09 maps that are edited).
While some are nice additions, I find a lot of them too big to be enjoyable for anything but 16-player games. A new player could easily get lost and not know where to go. Maybe trim the size down a bit so it'd be easier to find out where you are (The graphical glitch I was having didn't help much either).

Other than that, there's one thing left.


Upside-down Gargoyles for the win.
While some are nice additions, I find a lot of them too big to be enjoyable for anything but 16-player games.
I give you that on Conveyor Conflict, which has been removed, but otherwise, I don't really think so. I've played many of these levels in netgames much smaller than 16 people and it worked just fine. I even played Dusty Barracks with as little as four players and it worked moderately well. They are all bigger than the stages in the current rotation, but then again, I found most of the current maps to be rather small. It's nice to have a few bigger stages.

A new player could easily get lost and not know where to go.
That happens in the Match stages as well, doesn't it? It usually doesn't take more than 2 minutes or so until you've at least found the main paths between the flags.
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