Master Server

Not That I'm Dumb Or Anything But How Do You Use The Master Server? Just Wondering.
Im not entirely sure what part youre wondering, so ill just explain the whole thing, im probably going to get like one thing wrong and then someone be like nope youre wrong afterwards but yea

The master server is a way for people to advertise their netgames, by showing people a list of active ips shown to it

if you dont know what a ip is, think of it like a token to your device, so the internet provider can know who goes to what. (And also stalk your activity on it and dumb stuff like that)

These netgames can be joined either by the client (ingame), or the much better web browser, which is just a bit less intuitive

To join ingame you just hit enter on the server you want to play on, but can leave out info like what mods they have on till you join

To join in the browser, you just go to the website and you have everything you need to find the server you want to play on, which case you can click on the nuber below the server title where most of the netgame's more detailed info goes, it'll say copied and then you want to go in game and do your method of pasting your clipboard (CTRL+V on windows) in the IPV4 box thing, then you just hit enter and you'll join that ip, if its wrong you'll be stuck with a red bar until you press the escape key.

Hosting is annoying and i would not recommend trying it unless youre comfortable with port forwarding, in which case you host on port 5029 on UDP something, and if youre lost in that statement you should at least check if your internet provider even lets you do it let alone you know, doing it.

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