Master Server Rules

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AKA FuriousFox
Retired Staff
Well, we were supposed to be getting a section on the website for this, but since it's nonexistant right now, I figure I'll just use this.

1. No chat, roleplay, hangout/chilling/party/etc. servers. The Master Server is for netgames where people are actually playing the game the way it is intended to be played. If you want to chat, roleplay, or hangout, either use a chatroom or host without advertising on the Master Server.

2. No advertising websites, messages boards, etc. The Master Server is not your own personal free ad space.

3. No hacking. Using the in-game cheats is fine, but using external programs to modify your score, change the color of your name, gain access to content you shouldn't be able to access, or any other such action will result in an immediate ban.

4. Do not reapeatedly refresh the server list. Alam and Logan run the Master Server off of their own home internet connection, with one of their own computers. Every time you refresh the server list, you're using up a small portion of their connection. This may not seem like much of a problem, but keep in mind that there are many other people doing the same thing at the same time, and it really adds up. Generally speaking, try not to refresh the list more than 10-15 times per minute.

5. No sex, porn, or cybering. Remember, there are younger audiences playing SRB2 online, some as young as 8 years old. They do not need to be exposed to this sort of stuff, and personally, I don't think many of the older audiences will like it either. Try to at least keep your netgames rated PG-13.

6. No foul language in server names. Basically, if the word is banned on the Message Board, it's also banned from server names.

7. Use the correct gametype for what you are doing. If you're in coop, you should be completing the levels. If you're in Match, you should be shooting each other. Do not use coop mode in maps that do not support coop mode. Do not use coop mode when you are actually fighting each other. If you are fighting each other, use match. The Master Server shows which gametype the servers are currently playing in, so make sure that the gametype is actually accurate to what you are doing, so that people will not come in expecting to do one thing when you're really doing something else.
* Hide and Seek is allowed in SRB2 as long as you use Tag mode.

8. The host of the netgame is responsible for making sure his or her netgame follows these rules. If a netgame is found to be in violation of a rule, the host will be held responsible.

9. General idiocy will not be accepted, if you want to be an idiot, don't use up our bandwidth to do so. This includes being an utter noob. Don't kick people because they're better than you, this shows just how much you fail.


For those of you who think you can weasel your way around the rules and think you will never get caught, just remember that I do patrols through netgames DAILY under fake identities. Many people have been banned for not following the small, simple list of rules on the Master Server website.


Master Server website:
FuriousFox said:
7. Use the correct gametype for what you are doing. If you're in coop, you should be completing the levels. If you're in Match, you should be shooting each other. Do not use coop mode in maps that do not support coop mode. Do not use coop mode when you are actually fighting each other. If you are fighting each other, use match. The Master Server shows which gametype the servers are currently playing in, so make sure that the gametype is actually accurate to what you are doing, so that people will not come in expecting to do one thing when you're really doing something else.
* Hide and Seek is allowed in SRB2 as long as you use Tag mode.

I shall remember this part. I broke this rule without knowing it today.

/me memorizes this rule.

EDIT: I just found out I have been banned from the Master Server. Why? I now know about this rule and I never saw these rules until just an hour ago (my "rule breaking" happened about 3 hours ago). How long have I been banned for?
Now I see the thing about coop, I say ew....

It should be about playing cooperative, not racing. Perfect example: Ringslinger is on. Tails carries Sonic to higher places in arial garden. OMG, yetty syns. Sonic shoots them down with ringslinger. Hurray, we saved the day with teamwork!

Now thats how it should be in coop. Not like this: Welcome to GFZ1! Thok, thok, thok, thok, thok, thok, thok, finish! And the others hardly had a chance to do something. Don't you think these kinda servers are just plain boring? Try race, thats where you should crazily thok, not.

Who does this most? Not the newbies, not the n00bs. But the pro's.
No, it didn't say you couldn't have a little fun in the level. Co-op is about the players working together like that. It didn't say you have to rush. But it does say not to sit in the same level and not move on, ever. As long as some progress is made in the game, it's still within the rules.
Yeah, its just that advanced players keep thokking all the time trough the levels. Like, they add chaos zone, Mystic realm, and acid missile. Then they thok trough all the levels at quite fast speed. When they're done, they shut down the server.

"Well, boys? Wasn't that a fun server to play in?"


The rest of the people hardly got to play, either due to lack of skill or because the server has lag. Seriously, you're in coop. Help out or guide the rest, or at least wait at the end. If you seriously need to shoot trough the levels like this, go play race, not coop.
But some people just stand around talking and NEVER finish the level. Boy that sure is fun, isn't it?
I agree with sms on this. I have been on some netgames with levels that I do not even get halfway through before they finish.
I don't care either way. I don't usually play anymore. But, how can anyone find role playing (especially in SRB2) fun?
Again, people, you don't have to beat the levels ridiculously fast. That's what the larger games are for. Like FF's, or Mystic's. You can slow down and have some fun, but you still have to keep in mind that a coop is a coop and you have to beat the level, and work at it. Running around a bit is fine, just don't overdo it and spend massive amounts of time in a level.
Dark Warrior said:
Again, people, you don't have to beat the levels ridiculously fast. That's what the larger games are for. Like FF's, or Mystic's. You can slow down and have some fun, but you still have to keep in mind that a coop is a coop and you have to beat the level, and work at it. Running around a bit is fine, just don't overdo it and spend massive amounts of time in a level.

Gosh....I've had 56:39 on my timer in GFZ1 once. Never did we try talk so much in a netgame. First we tried to kill all enemies. Next we collected all rings, following by powerups. After that we tried to find the "easter egg" all the time. (We didn't knew where to find Red Vulcano Zone yet. Was some time ago) Then we tried to race from beginning to spikes numerous times. We started to talk a lot after the races. At the final we tried flying with the Tails trick as long as we could. After 5 minutes of air time, we

After falling I teached the other guy called Joey how to do the thokslide. Took him some time. He Thokslided into the egg-sign by accident. And thats how it went. Btw, thok slide is a way to built up keep thok speed on the ground untill you need to turn. First of all.....

1: Jump up and thok the way you want. A wide area is perfect.
2: Just when landing, spindash. You shouldn't even be able to see the running sprites apear.
3: Look at the road well and decide wich turn you're gonna take. Look the at the way you're gonna take.
4: Once you think you're at the right spot. Jump and thok. Spindash when you hit the ground again.

I call it the thokslide. If you're repeatly thokking, then you can't steer very well. Take a hill for example. If you're rapidly thokking, there's a chance you might thok in the wall of the hill by accident. But not thokking makes you slow. Well, by thoksliding, you can thok in the air anytime you want. Great way to steer, especially to keep up speed or confuse enemies in match/tag/CTF/race.

There are sooo many techniques you can do in SRB2. Thokslide, dashfly, walljump, springthok, springdash, superbounce, super-speed-bounce, confall, endless flight, etc.

I can explain them all, but thats gonna take hell a lot of time.
You're free to do whatever you want, however, using the Master Server is a privilage, not a right. The Master Server is privately owned, it is not public property. Alam/Logan allow people to use thier Master Server as long as they obey these rules, if you don't like the rules, simply don't use the Master Server, it's that easy!

There's a connect by IP command for a reason, just set up a netgame on IRC or whatever, connect by IP rather than Master Server, and you can do anything you want.

The chat function exists for tactical use in cooperative mode and such, ringslinger can be turned on in any mode to allow you to shoot down crawlas and such.
Meh, I just don't get the points of 2 rules on here.

Rule 7 and rule 1. The seventh rule is really dumb. Why not play a match in GFZ2? Sure it is weird and gets boring quick, but it doesn't need to be a rule. As for rule 1, I agree with roleplaying, but the rest? Why not be in a small comfortable place like SMS' basement and chat a bit? Thats more fun then just being in a witty chat room talking. As long as you don't stand still all the time because you wanna talk/read, or if you host a server for the sole reason to chat, I see no problem in this.
Actually, rule 7 does not explicitly state that you cannot play match in single player levels.

I've played tag in GFZ2 before, and I don't think that was against the rules.

I think it simply means, don't play coop in a match level, since you can't really do anything there. But you can shoot each other down in CEZ2 (In fact, CEZ2 does seem like a nice match level)
Reapah said:
Okay, seriously dude, these rules are messed up, If people wan't to hang out on srb2, maybe they can't use chatrooms, or they just like meeting up there, who's to say they can't? who's to say they can't go on there making new freinds and such? This is like soviet russia "You must do exactly what you are intended to do or you shall be banned" What the crap? What is the point of having a chat command, if you're not supposed to use it? what's the point of having a ring slinger comand if you're not allowed to use it outside a spesific mode? what's the point in alowing to force yourself into maps that you don't belong in, if its against the rules? Seriously, People should be free to do what they want (within reason) If they want to pretend they are a hedgehog and they are running around a world jumping on robots, What gives you the right to stop them? I say, as long as they arent stopping other people playing the way they want to play, then theres no problem, everyone plays games their own ways, You really have no right to stop them doing so, Fair enough no, porn,romtalk, cybering or any of that stuff. And if you don't like the way a games being run, just leave the game and join another, it's that easy. Seriously, You wan't to stop people from chatting? If thats the way you wan't the game to be, disable multiplayer, theres no reason for it to be there.

some of this i do agree with Reapah and some i do agree with Draykon
Reapah said:
Okay, seriously dude, these rules are messed up, If people wan't to hang out on srb2, maybe they can't use chatrooms, or they just like meeting up there, who's to say they can't? who's to say they can't go on there making new freinds and such? This is like soviet russia "You must do exactly what you are intended to do or you shall be banned" What the crap? What is the point of having a chat command, if you're not supposed to use it? what's the point of having a ring slinger comand if you're not allowed to use it outside a spesific mode? what's the point in alowing to force yourself into maps that you don't belong in, if its against the rules? Seriously, People should be free to do what they want (within reason) If they want to pretend they are a hedgehog and they are running around a world jumping on robots, What gives you the right to stop them? I say, as long as they arent stopping other people playing the way they want to play, then theres no problem, everyone plays games their own ways, You really have no right to stop them doing so, Fair enough no, porn,romtalk, cybering or any of that stuff. And if you don't like the way a games being run, just leave the game and join another, it's that easy. Seriously, You wan't to stop people from chatting? If thats the way you wan't the game to be, disable multiplayer, theres no reason for it to be there.

I actually agree with Reapah on some of his statements.

If chatting, role-playing and wrong titled server names, etc. are a problem, why not make a alternate public server aside from the master server? That way the pros can stay on the master server and play professionally and the newbs, n00bs, or people who want to hang out, can do whatever they want on the alternate server (aside from pron,web promoting etc.). I understand the master server is a privelage, but at least make an alternate server where SRB2 can be enjoyed by everyone.

I personally, like to play in CTF, COOP, or Race servers and I avoid role playing or people messing around with gravity, the only times I'm not in those servers is just to see people I haven't played in a while. I sometimes make matches in GFZ zone 3 (boss), why isn't that allowed?

Also it seems when the subject of "another server" comes, the admins and staff are avoiding it and stating "We already have a Master Server". By the looks of things, it seems people need an alternate server, why not give them one? Eventually (maybe not now, a few weeks, or months), someone is going to host up a exe file with their own master server.

I'm just stating what I think, don't take it personally.
*pokes RgxSS*

You might wanna watch you spaces between that story. People normally don't like to read a whole long story where there aren't any spaces between.

Ya know, like this?

And this?

Ok, ok....thats enough. You know what I'm saying.
Draykon is pretty much right throughout this whole topic. The Master Server is a privilege, not a right, just like everything else in this community. We moderate the Master Server the same way we do the forums and #srb2fun; if you dislike the way we do things, you don't have to use them.

As for the subject of a second Master Server, there's nothing stopping you guys from making one yourself, the code for it is included with SRB2. Don't expect Alam and Logan to host it, though; I think we're killing their connection enough with just one.

Also, alot of people seem to misunderstand Rule 7. Basically, it's saying that you can't have misleading gametypes. If you're in Match mode, you need to actually be playing match. You can play match in pretty much any level with rings in it. Same goes for Tag, it can be done in just about every level, but if you're in Tag mode, you have to actually be playing Tag (or Hide and Seek). Same with the other modes: You should be beating levels in Coop, and capturing flags in CTF.
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