Maple Story

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Maple Story is an online game around a year old now. I will not be posting the links because i do not want to be leading users away from this forum.

That is the main reason i have not been posting here for a while. All i have to say in the game it is Kinda strange....It uses the traditional chibby characters, desighn your own with some of the hair style's and cloths you can get from the starting. This game can get highly adictive if you are like "Sticks to most well thought out Role playing games"

If you got names...and your by any chance in bera My name Is KiroFin.... That is all, thank you
I've played Maple Story before. Haven't played in a little while but it's a game I would like to start playing again. I'd have to check my account status though. I think I lost my account on a few occasions for unknown reasons, and I don't remember which world my character is in.
If i am right, your account is not deleted, the game is a drag to download took me a while to get it working esspecialy with my moniter, and there's a problem witrh googling some of the links lead to viruses so BE CAREFUL!
Dark Mystic said:
what's maple story???

Maple Story is an online rpg game I'm in bera also like kiro is and kiro is level 32. I just started last wednesday.
I know about downloading the program, Kiro. And I normally download programs and games from their official sites anyways.
the website blocks non-IE browsers by checking the numPlugins JS var, grr, I needed to write up another http filter rule for that
for other people, you could just disable JS
 from [url][/url]
var numPlugins = navigator.plugins.length;

<Match: ZZZZ Logan's Maple Story >
if (numPlugins > 0)
if (0)
		alert("Please use Internet Explorer to access.");
		document.location.href = "/Common/Explorer_Error.html";
from [url][/url]
<Match: Kill Nosy JavaScripts [Scott L.] {Siamesecat} >
<script language=javascript>
function on_unload()
//Browser Check (IE 5.5 ????? ??)
IE_Version = new Number(((window.navigator.appVersion.split('; '))[1].split(' '))[1]);
if (navigator.appName != "Microsoft Internet Explorer" || IE_Version < 5.5) 
	document.location.href = "/Common/Explorer_Error.html";

//Block Plug in User 

var numPlugins = navigator.plugins.length; if (numPlugins > 0) { alert("Please use Internet Explorer to access."); document.location.href = ""; } 

Well, the offical site is in korea, so...You can´t but the game is pretty cool andway´s :D
I´ve only been on for 2months but i am lv 38 now...Well Thats all i hve to say (My keyboard button´s are messed up right now...So everything is kinda hard to put like the colons(:) , i have to hold down shirft and cama to make it work......)
Maple Story was fun for awhile, but I got tired of playing it and with Firefox there are plugins that actully let IE work with it.
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