You need to select the "Platform" Linedef type.
Linedef Type 140: FOF: Platform, Opaque
Linedef Type 141: FOF: Platform, Translucent
Linedef Type 142: FOF: Platform, Translucent, No Sides
Linedef Type 172: FOF: Crumbling, Platform, Respawn
Linedef Type 173: FOF: Crumbling, Platform, No Respawn
Linedef Type 174: FOF: Crumbling, Platform, Translucent, Respawn
Linedef Type 175: FOF: Crumbling, Platform, Translucent, No Respawn
Linedef Type 190: FOF: Rising Platform, Solid, Opaque, Shadow
Linedef Type 191: FOF: Rising Platform, Solid, Opaque, Non-Shadow
Linedef Type 192: FOF: Rising Platform, Solid, Translucent
Linedef Type 193: FOF: Rising Platform, Solid, Invisible
Linedef Type 194: FOF: Rising Platform, Platform, Opaque
Linedef Type 195: FOF: Rising Platform, Platform, Translucent