Making a SOC file...

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I read the "Get me started," but its way too confusing on what it means by "make a empty text file, and rename it to .SOC," but I try to rename it .SOC, and it doesn't work. Could someone explain to me what this exactly means?
Assuming you are using windows, make sure "hide common extensions" in folder options is turned off. If so, right click in your SRB2 SOC editor folder, goto new > text document and the new textfile will appear. Now rename this file to "<whatever>.soc". When that's done, cllick outside the file and click "yes" on the dialog box. You now have a blank SOC file.
Got that solved, but how can I edit the "break into running frames when your speed is 30?"
Editing the S_SKIN lumps of a character wad.

Breaking into the running animation at speed 30, same as if you put RUNSPEED = 20 where it will be 20 instead of 30...
it's basically the same as dehacked anyway...SSNTails, you should put that link on the SRB2 site so people can read it so they know how to do it.
With Enjay's permission of course...I guess...
Basically, learn DeHackEd first. This will explain the monster side of things (Codepointers and states) rather well as well as the basic way SOC state/thing editing works.
Use the new SOC editor in that can make a new blank SOC for you.
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