Maio Level

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misterizman said:
What???? Seriously???? o.o I can only find one in GFZ2.

One of them is underwater, and the other is underneath a bridge. The 2 tokens aren't very far from each other.

I'm not giving away any more clues other than these to finding the other token, whichever one it is that you've not found yet.
jet said:
Where is the token in CEZ2? I didn't know there was one.

It's in the same area where Knuckles' emblem is.

For goodness sake, just look in the FAQ topic, just in case any more questions on where the emerald tokens are are posted here. There should be a link to the page on the Wiki with directions to all 10 emerald tokens in normal SRB2 on the first post.
OR, you could just search for a YT video that has the locations. and shows you HOW too. There are some of them. I used them once.
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