Um, yeah... So i tried to host a match server with portal and gargoyle (because FPS speed sounds fair with portals) and everytime i try to load to a match map or even better, THE HUB MAP, my game crashes automatically.
Here's the log:
I tried to load it to Meadow Match Zone, and the game just stopped from there. Is this because I have way too many lua files? I will be so upset if that's the case...
If anyone asks, the files I added were: StarfyMusic.wad, Portal.wad, gargoyle.wad, and MT_Battlefield.wad
Here's the log:
Command line arguments: '"C:\Users\NAME\Desktop\SRB2\srb2win.exe" -file "StarfyMusic.wad" "portal.wad" "gargoyle.wad" "MT_Battlefield.wad" '
I_StartupSystem() ...
Setting up SRB2...
Z_Init(): Init zone memory allocation daemon.
System memory: 2047MB - Free: 1678MB
W_InitMultipleFiles(): Adding IWAD and main PWADs.
Added file C:\Users\NAME\Desktop\SRB2\srb2.srb (6190 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\NAME\Desktop\SRB2\srb2.srb
Added file C:\Users\NAME\Desktop\SRB2\zones.dta (960 lumps)
Loading main config from C:\Users\NAME\Desktop\SRB2\zones.dta
Added file C:\Users\NAME\Desktop\SRB2\player.dta (526 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\NAME\Desktop\SRB2\rings.dta (444 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\NAME\Desktop\SRB2\patch.dta (30 lumps)
Added file C:\Users\NAME\Desktop\SRB2\music.dta (171 lumps)
Added file StarfyMusic.wad (41 lumps)
Added file portal.wad (51 lumps)
Loading Lua script from portal.wad|LUA_CAKE
Pardon me while I initialize the Lua scripting interface...
MobjType MT_PORTALONE allocated.
MobjType MT_PORTALTWO allocated.
MobjType MT_PORTALONESHOOT allocated.
MobjType MT_PORTALTWOSHOOT allocated.
State S_PORTAL allocated.
State S_PORTAL1 allocated.
State S_PORTAL2 allocated.
State S_PORTAL3 allocated.
State S_PORTAL4 allocated.
State S_PORTAL5 allocated.
State S_PORTAL6 allocated.
State S_PORTALGROUND allocated.
State S_PORTALGROUND1 allocated.
State S_PORTALGROUND2 allocated.
State S_PORTALGROUND3 allocated.
State S_PORTALGROUND4 allocated.
State S_PORTALGROUND5 allocated.
State S_PORTALGROUND6 allocated.
State S_PORTALCEIL allocated.
State S_PORTALCEIL1 allocated.
State S_PORTALCEIL2 allocated.
State S_PORTALCEIL3 allocated.
State S_PORTALCEIL4 allocated.
State S_PORTALCEIL5 allocated.
State S_PORTALCEIL6 allocated.
State S_PORTALSHOOT allocated.
State S_PORTALSHOOT allocated.
Sprite SPR_PTLG allocated.
Sound sfx_portal allocated.
Added file gargoyle.wad (181 lumps)
Loading Lua script from gargoyle.wad|LUA_GAME
Sound sfx_statu2 allocated.
Sound sfx_bkpoof allocated.
Sound sfx_mswing allocated.
Loading Lua script from gargoyle.wad|LUA_SHOT
Loading Lua script from gargoyle.wad|LUA_SUPR
Loading object config from gargoyle.wad
Added file MT_Battlefield.wad (12 lumps)
Loading main config from MT_Battlefield.wad
VID_FreeAndAllocVidbuffer done, vidbuffersize: 4e200
Mode changed to 0 (320x200W)
CPU Info: 486: 1, 586: 1, MMX: 1, 3DNow: 0, MMXExt: 0, SSE2: 1
HU_Init(): Setting up heads up display.
Number of console HUD lines is now 5
executing config.cfg
Looking for joystick devices:
1: USB Controller
Capabilities: 4 axes, 12 buttons, 1 POVs, poll 0, Gamepad 0
Default resolution: 1440 x 900 (16 bits)
M_Init(): Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init(): Init SRB2 refresh daemon.
srb2.srb added 2960 frames in 230 sprites
player.dta added 163 frames in 1 sprites
rings.dta added 431 frames in 18 sprites
patch.dta added 10 frames in 2 sprites
portal.wad added 43 frames in 1 sprites
gargoyle.wad added 173 frames in 1 sprites
Added skin 'tails'
Added skin 'knuckles'
Added skin 'gargoyle'
Number of Extra Colormaps: 10
S_Init(): Setting up sound.
ST_Init(): Init status bar.
D_CheckNetGame(): Checking network game status.
Entering main game loop...
VID_FreeAndAllocVidbuffer done, vidbuffersize: 62e080
Mode changed to 21 (1440x900)
We hope you enjoy this game as
much as we did making it!
...wait. =P
Sonic Robo Blast 2 v2.1.8 (Apr 19 2014 12:48:08 r8551)
Starting Server....
Binding to
Network system buffer: 8Kb
Network system buffer set to: 64Kb
Contacting the server...
Sending join request...
Join accepted, waiting for complete game state...
Player 1 has joined the game (node 0)
Gametype was changed from Co-op to Match
Speeding off to level...
If anyone asks, the files I added were: StarfyMusic.wad, Portal.wad, gargoyle.wad, and MT_Battlefield.wad