I wanted to put this into bug reports, but I wasn't sure, so I threw it here instead.
This has been in my mind for a while, I know "non-supported" software resolutions always have HUDs shifted a bit either to the left or to the right, but sometimes it's pretty ridiculous; v.drawString and v.drawFill, for instance, somehow always end up in different places despite the offsets specified being the same.
Here is kr.wad for instance, a part of the script specifies this;
And here's the result in a non-green resolution
So I was wondering if there was any v.height/v.width miracle formula that doesn't force case by case, or if at least these functions could be fixed so they are aligned with each other, at least, or, maybe if the functions could be modified so they shift values automatically according to the resolution used, that would be pretty awesome.
Especially because software seems to really hate that WAD I'm working on.
EDIT: I know there always are alternatives such as forcing myself to use a green resolution (which adds black borders to my game, ew) or to use OpenGL, but it definetly is annoying, forcing yourself to play in x resolution or to use x renderer just because the hud is all fucked up.
This has been in my mind for a while, I know "non-supported" software resolutions always have HUDs shifted a bit either to the left or to the right, but sometimes it's pretty ridiculous; v.drawString and v.drawFill, for instance, somehow always end up in different places despite the offsets specified being the same.
Here is kr.wad for instance, a part of the script specifies this;
(...) v.drawFill([B][I][U]17[/U][/I][/B], 58, mo.khp, 8, 103, V_SNAPTOLEFT)
if mo.kr == false
v.drawString([B][I][U]17[/U][/I][/B], 68, "\HP "..tostring(mo.krn).."/"..tostring(p.mo.kmaxhp).." KR", V_ALLOWLOWERCASE | V_SNAPTOLEFT) (...)
And here's the result in a non-green resolution
So I was wondering if there was any v.height/v.width miracle formula that doesn't force case by case, or if at least these functions could be fixed so they are aligned with each other, at least, or, maybe if the functions could be modified so they shift values automatically according to the resolution used, that would be pretty awesome.
Especially because software seems to really hate that WAD I'm working on.
EDIT: I know there always are alternatives such as forcing myself to use a green resolution (which adds black borders to my game, ew) or to use OpenGL, but it definetly is annoying, forcing yourself to play in x resolution or to use x renderer just because the hud is all fucked up.