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LOTR-SRB2 Website

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Jason the Echidna said:
I do not know what a Barlog is.

A Barlog is a type of mythical creature(I think). It was a kind of beast, I think sorta like a chimera, but only one head

Jason the Echidna said:
Also, sprites can't be bigger then 255 x 256 or something like that. It sucks. I want to make really massive things. Giant tornados. And stuff. That'd rock.

Can't you just make them "look" big. Like, make a 256X256 tile, then shape it into the object you want with the sidedefs being that texture. It would work, right?
Actually, JTE, you *can* make tornadoes with a LOT of FOFs, and a "pull" object. I have a tornado map for an example. Would you like me to give it to you? I'm sure that you can make it into an AWESOME DM level!
I know. I have made a tornado that way. In a beta of SRB2 1.08, before SOC edits were implemented. Also, I have found a ton of currents in the FOFs (yes, they're not limited to water) facing the right directions so that you swirl in circles and go up... That's a lot better then just being pulled. And you can even make the top of the tornado go outwards that way so that you are swirled up and shot down.

I don't know what a chimera is. You can't make a 256 x 256 tile.
Sorry, I'll put my tomato... er, tornado wad here in a moment, but I'm experimenting with a 3d program called Blender, and it's renderring something that might take a while.

Also, I'll need to spif it up a bit.
Whatever. :roll: I didn't ask for a tornado, did I?... I was saying I wanted a tornado that was made of sprites. Stuff like that. And giant robot things with large bashing hammers. You can't make them with seperate mobjs because they might try going in other directions and seperating and stuff and that's not nice...
True. I'm trying to learn as much Doom/SRB2 level editing and making so that I can actually try something sometime in the future
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