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Lock-In is a succsessor of the famed halo 2 level, lockout.
Meh, its my second map, go easy on me.

In the year 3000, 500 years after the launch and crash of the space cargo carrier, lockout, the USMC created a new craft to carry a ton of cargo from distant planets to a certain planet, where the cargo and all other goods carried within the craft would be traded for ore and minerals.
While on a mission, the ship was destroyed, and the cargo bay "lock-in" drifted within a planet called "Mobius"'s atmosphere. It hurtled to the ground. It was found later that most of the cargo was still in tact, and became an arena for fighting in.

[ i may get some screenies up soon, this level isnt EXACTLY like lockout]

Now if your wondering, one of the parts of the death pit is not there, but the reason is there are secrets hidden throughout the level. But you have to figure those out by yourself. Anyways, heres the link.

This level needs a LOT of work.
1. There are a lot of missing textures. If you are using srb2 doom builder then go under tools - find map errors or push F4, then make sure that all of the checks are checked, if they are not then click on the box. Then push check. It should find most of the errors for you.
2. This map is a little to small. There is no theme.
3. WTF is with all the rings in one spot.
4. Do you like putting lots of eggman boxes?
Well lets total up your score.

This may take a moment ........Loading.......Loading.........Loading........Loading.......Loading......
Error: Score Tooooooo Low

How to fix problem:
Take your time
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Bonus Points:
You Have A Story Line To Your Map

Well I guess this map is ok.
Scoring Program Shutting Down......................Error.......System Crash...
nadjili said:
Son of a *********************!!!
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