Dead Guybrush in netgames
In file p_spec.c, line 5180:
I think there's a break missing there.
For those who can't read C or don't want to bother, if you try using LD56 or LD57, the end result is the same: both floor and ceiling move, when clearly in type 57 only the floor should.
case 56: // New super cool and awesome moving floor and ceiling crush type
case 57: // New super cool and awesome moving floor crush type
if (lines[i].backsector)
EV_DoFloor(&lines[i], bounceFloorCrush);
case 58: // New super cool and awesome moving ceiling crush type
if (lines[i].backsector)
EV_DoCeiling(&lines[i], bounceCeilingCrush);
For those who can't read C or don't want to bother, if you try using LD56 or LD57, the end result is the same: both floor and ceiling move, when clearly in type 57 only the floor should.
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