level headers

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You can make a lump called MainCFG and put them in there.


Level 1
Act = 1
MusicSlot = 1
NextLevel = 2
TypeOfLevel = 4099
SkyNum = 1

That's the very least you need in the MainCFG lump to override the normal headers of the game. You can also make MAPnnD lumps for each map, but it's very cumbersome to do. With MainCFG, you can keep all the map headers in one place, and MainCFG can have a theoretically unlimited number of map headers in it. MainCFG doesn't overwrite the headers of the map there before, so you will need to place additional information to get the effect you desire in the level. With MAPnnD, you don't need to do this.
It's also worth mentioning this can also be done with XWE (Your character wad thing)
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