I don't know how anyone can defend GFZ when a large part of the playerbase says they almost stopped playing because of how boring it was, and only didn't because they got a glimpse of the later levels in the game.
Putting aside the fact that this is news to me, I'm not defending GFZ (that's a topic for another day). I'm defending the design choice of using only one wall texture for the whole level.
The "The originals only used two textures so we can too" argument is ridiculous, especially considering how it is almost the same the argument everyone criticized Glaber for using in defense of Emerald Lake Act 2.
Now hold on a minute. The argument I was refuting was "GFZ uses only two textures, therefore it looks ugly". I think that's wrong, and I pointed out examples for why it's wrong. From that, it doesn't follow that "GHZ uses two textures, so every level that does the same looks good", and neither did I claim it did. I know that any comparison between SRB2 and another game is inherently problematic. I am aware that wall textures are a lot more prominent in 2D Sonic games than in SRB2 (and this is exactly why Iceman's comparison between GHZ's sky and GFZ's sky doesn't work - the reason GHZ's sky is more elaborate is because it's a much more integral and visible part of the level than GFZ's sky could ever be). I'm saying that any criticism of GFZ's texturing scheme must run deeper than "it uses only two textures", and that adding a third texture wouldn't necessarily help. GHZ and EHZ were merely examples among several others, including SRB2-specific examples, and I think you're placing way too much weight on something that isn't even important to my overall argument.
The reason no one complains about THZ1? Obviously because the monotony has already been fixed in 2.1.
It hasn't. If you look at a screenshot of the new THZ1, you will see that precisely
zero has been changed about the wall texturing, the grass has been changed from green to a light brown, further
reducing the variety of colors in the level, and the sky has been changed from blue to orange, which is
also closer to the color choices of the rest of the level. The slime color has been changed too, but that's a minor change that I doubt makes any difference in either direction. The only
real change has been the addition of more sector detail, which is a separate issue from texturing altogether. If the level was monotonous before, it's certainly not less monotonous now. I'm not saying that it
is monotonous, in fact I think it looks great as it is, but I don't think the problem with THZ1's texturing scheme has ever been monotony. I honestly don't see the difference between, say, THZ1's slime pool room in 2.1 and GFZ2's final room in 2.0 when it comes to perceived monotony.
The reason no one complains about Jade Valley? Obviously because it's a match level, and very inconsequential to the game compared to the first impressions level.
That would imply that people think Jade Valley looks just as bad as GFZ and are simply voicing it less. That's not the impression I'm getting.
Also, detailed =/= complicated.
A detailed area is always more complicated visually than a less detailed area.
tl;dr: I'm not saying GFZ is perfect and doesn't need to be changed. What bugs me is that every proposed "fix" I see ignores at least one of the fundamental design principles of the level.