These things save the game and act like INN's.
Entrance to Elzire's Training Dungeon.
A battle tutorial with Elzire.
A 'Floor' system.
A simple switch puzzle at the end of the tutorial.
An Original system in my game. 'Class changes' will allow you to make a completly different Character EVERY GAME! (Unless you change your character's class the same way in 2 games :P)
Wandering through a forest.
The 1st boss.
A farmilier place from the intro.
A dark cave.
And last but not least, the download itself. I cannot garantee how long it will take to download. If it takes a while, bare with it, Its a good demo.
Also, At the 'END OF DEMO' screen, you can listen too 4 kick-ass songs.
I hope you have fun!
Note: There might be a few Grammar and spelling errors here and there, but i think I got them all. A few of the enemies and events will change for the next demo and final version (Such as the very Crappy 'end of intro' screen where it shows the title... Please disregard that random animation thing.